Media personality, social commentator, author, lecturer, Doctor of Natural Medicine, accomplished Yogi, Sikh minister, and widely sought after consultant, counsellor and teacher, Yogi Akal does it all. A dynamic and compelling speaker, Yogi has been teaching people how to achieve optimal health, wellness and success both personally and professionally through a variety of techniques for over thirty years. At the professional level, Yogi is an expert in corporate communication and wellness, having provided consulting services to numerous major corporations helping them to achieve their full potential through keynote lectures, motivational speaking, in-service training and executive coaching. Also frequently called upon by the media, Yogi is a familiar face on CNN and an acclaimed guest on CNBC and ABC having provided his insights on the world’s pressing current events and presented numerology forecasts for celebrities and television and radio audiences around the globe. Founder of The School of Yoga Therapy and Natural Medicine, Yogi continues to educate and transform people’s lives by helping them to achieve their full potential in life.
Since 1973, Yogi Akal has been teaching people how to achieve optimal health, wellness and success; reaching out and communicating, understanding the world we live in, how the mind, body and spirit connect, and how to achieve one's potential on the job, at school, or at home. As an expert in corporate communication and wellness, he has provided consulting services to corporations helping them to achieve their full potential through a variety of formats such as keynote lectures, motivational speaking, in-service training and executive coaching.
Yogi Akal is frequently called upon by network TV producers and celebrities, business and spiritual leaders, athletes, doctors and educators, as well as everyday people with problems and questions about personal or professional transformation, stress reduction, self-determination and achieving and managing success. Also well-versed in social commentary and current events, news entities such as CNN and CNBC have counted on him for valuable insights into events that take place in the world and the local community.
Through thousands of hours of training and teaching, Yogi Akal became one of the world’s experts in Yogic healing, counselling, and natural medicine. Also known as Agia Akal Singh Khalsa, Yogi is the world's foremost authority on a specialized branch of Yogic teachings known as Ten Body Yoga, and is the Master of Akar Jantri Yogic Numerology. He also is the developer of a Yogic system of healing, known as Laser Touch.
Here are a few yoga tips to try out this week. Give them a shot and see how they improve your life and your well-being. Let the next seven days be like a powerful wind, accelerating everything in a positive direction. Grab a hold of your mind and don’t let anyone or anything distract you from your mission.
1. Do dancing, play hard, sweat, get out of breath, aerobercise, get moving!
2. Massage your body; use a small amount of oil, say almond oil, and massage your skin in straight lines from your head to your heart, from your feet to your diaphragm, then take a cold shower and keep rubbing your body all over until your feet warm, then wrap comfortably in a towel and relax.
3. Massage your scalp and comb your hair (best with wooden comb) forward and backward several times (or better yet have someone close to you spend special extra time making your hair and scalp feel wonderful)
Try these out and see what you think.
Planning Ahead and Staying Positive
Just had a few thoughts about something I read that I thought I would share. Just some ideas on helping make your life a little more positive. Try taking the time to write down and review your ideas and goals. Consider the long term and work back to the present before making decisions. Life will always throw you some curves, but relax and ride up to the reality. When you are in a positive frame of mind, you will be inspired and life will be simply amazing. Even things that appear to be difficult, tricky or unpleasant will show you how everything works for your benefit in the end. If you get moody or allow a “poor me” attitude into your psyche, you will feel trapped and critical, confined and stuck with details you should have delegated.
Hope this is insightful!
Some Yoga Tips and Exercises
Just a few exercises I enjoy and wanted to share…
1. Breath in four parts – inhale in 4 equal sniffs, hold in 4 beats, exhale 4 equal sniffs, hold out 4 beats.
2. Triangle Pose: support your body on your palms and toes. Your buttinsky in the air, your back is straight, your heels are off the ground, pushing down. Feel the sciatic nerve burn. Breathe slowly. If you are especially brave and your doctor approves, try push-ups in this position. Extra credit if you do the push ups with one leg raised up high. Alternate legs for an equal time.
3. Release tension in the sternum and palm your eyes – rub your palms together briskly. Keep going (in front of your chest) at least 3 min. It is very hard and you will groan. After 180 sec are up, place your palms over your closed eyes and enjoy the warmth. Relax your head into your hands…Enjoy
Some thoughts on self assessment and positivity
Just thought I’d share a few ideas I came across about keeping positive and conducting a bit of a self assessment on your life.Many forces at work in your life seem to be conflicting. Not so at all – It’s all in your head. So get out of your head, get into your heart and stay put, right there in the middle of your beating heart. Look at how cool everything is. As you clean up and put things away and throw things away, notice how much brighter everything seems, and how dull your negative patterns are. Its definitely time to let go of things of things in you that no longer serve you – not people, nothing outside you – its all inside you. Look at yourself honestly and assess yourself. Keep the positive, positive. That’s the real challenge… don’t create anymore junk in your life. When life gives you lemons, make lemon pie and put lots of honey in it.
Some more Yoga Tips – Breathing Exercises
Here are a few breathing exercises I like to use, try them out.
Breath this way: inhale while you mentally count to ten, the exhale counting to ten; then gradually build up your breath capacity to inhale counting to twenty, hold for twenty, and exhale counting to twenty – go slowly, don’t push, relax, it’s fun and challenging and good for you – mentally, emotionally and physically; if you get dizzy just take a moment to re-group and start again – only for a few moments.
Here is another breathing exercise – Inhale through your mouth (eyes open), exhale a longer breath than the inhale, through the nose – only three min; then relax for at least two minutes, preferably half an hour.
Try Them!
Yoga Tip
I wanted to share this exercise with everyone, it is one that I find particularly useful to relax and refocus.Keep your eyes open 1/10th. Look up at the tip of your nose. Now close your eyes. You will automatically focus on the “brow point” between your eyebrows at the root of the nose. Hold your attention there. Breathe in slowly, as if from your heart, then exhale, as if from this brow point. After a few minutes, relax completely and enjoy your elevated self, your personal rhythm and drink some water.
Try it!
¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬Planning ahead and Yogic Meditation
Just wanted to share a few thoughts about life strategy, particularly planning ahead in life.
It has been said that where there is long tem gain there is short term loss, and that where there is short term gain, there follows long term loss. There are times to go with the flow, to wait, to pull back, and to push forward. This week try looking forward, writing down your ideas, consolidating your thoughts, outlining your goals and objectives and working out a o plan for the future, as far ahead as you can imagine.
You can achieve more by working without worrying about immediate payback or reward. Be of service and work overtime. There are so many things you can do Yogically – but the best is to meditate in a monotone voice without music and keep your focus steady.
Some thoughts on words and exercises about balance
Hello, here are a few thoughts on the power of listening and some Yoga exercises I find useful.
How you speak and when…your ability to hold your tongue and not react that extra second you take to inhale and tune in to your intuition before you say absolutely anything at all will save you from problems. The power of your word is key. So when you feel offended, let it go. When you feel you must speak, wait a moment. When your opinion feels vital, listen to others first. Even the most seemingly innocent discourse cal lead to unforeseen hurt, perhaps unconsciously.
If it seems as if everyone needs you and you want some alone time. It’s a balancing act – so here are some balancing Yoga tips and exercises.
1. Tree Pose – stand on one foot. Bring the other foot up to your inner thigh and stretch your arms up, palms touching. Breath deeply pulling in the navel gently. Switch for an equal time.
2. Nostril breathing – gently block off one nostril with your finger and breathe through the opposite nostril for a minute. Switch sides for an equal time.
3. Meditation – sit quietly, cross-legged. Hold your hands in front of your chest at the heart level, cupping your palms, like your waiting to receive something. Inhale, thinking of love and sweetness. Exhale negativity. Three min then relax.
Try Them!
Yoga Breathing Tips
Here is an Yoga breathing exercise that I wanted to share…
Try this one out, it looks kinda funny, but it is actually pretty cool. Its called the Lion Breath. Here is what you do:Open your mouth VERY wide. Stick your tongue out – all the way. Then open up your whole face – eyes open huge, etc. Slowly bend forward as you forcefully exhale through the open mouth, like a lion roaring, but instead of making a roaring sound, put it all into the exhale. Exaggerate the face, mouth, breath and movement forward. Slow and powerful. This is also great for you if you are beyond frustrated and need to blow off some steam. Go to the bathroom and do this a few times instead of lashing out.
Try it out!
Play for fun and enjoy the ups and downs of life!
Just had a few personal thoughts and strategies I wanted to share with everyone that I find help me out in life. This week try them out, see what you think. Meet up with old friends. Eat out. Have folks over for brunch. Take a trip. Visit the great outdoors and take LOTS of pictures. Write about your experiences is life and love. Do some gardening or buy someone flowers. It is time for fulfilling physical behaviour.
Here are a few Yoga tips to try out too:
Work your spine. There are many Yoga sets and exercises to refresh and soothe your back. If you are a yoga person, pick a set and do it everyday. If you’re not a Yoga-type – you might want to try it out this week. If you juts don’t want to do Yoga – well then go to the chiropractor or massage therapist and get a real good treatment AND exercise program to work your back from head to toe. Your vertebrae will be ever so grateful.
Some thoughts on Self-Esteem
Just wanted to share some ideas about self-esteem, thought they were insightful.. give it a read and see what you think.
To react or not to react. That is the question. That is the only question. And what you decide this week will last your whole life. So decide then live with it. Your self-esteem is on the operating table. You can perform surgery or you can ignore it. It is up to you. You’re looking for a magic solution to stuff?? You’re waiting for a sign from the Universe? You’re reacting to old stuff, new stuff, imagined stuff… forget about it! Whatever – decide how you want to live and love. Then instruct your self-esteem to follow.
Here is a Yoga tip to help this process – Meditate – Doesn’t matter how or when or where. JUST DO IT a lot. If you get emotional, take a shot break, but then get back to it. You’ve got to go through it – the good, the bad, the ugly, the beautiful.
Here are a few Yoga tips I find important. Check them out and consider them, hopefully you can find some benefit.
Sometimes we over-extend and it’s reasonable. Other times, we stretch a bit and we’re in pain. Take it easy this week. Spend some time alone to balance your self out. And most importantly, trust your gut, your intuition. The physical world is not moving at the same speed that you think it is, so accidents can happen. Simple – stay alert. Don’t get spaced out. And whatever happens, no matter how terrific and powerful or boring and annoying, stay cool and even.Try these Yoga exercises: Make a list of those you carry a grudge for – Let it go. Help someone do the same. Spend a few minutes each day sitting quietly and relaxing your body very thoroughly; stay awake but get creative and let go of tension throughout your body; then command your mind and body to be strong and healthy (do this sitting down, not lying down, and do it alone); then take a few deep breaths and go back t whatever you were doing. Also try doing some personal cleansing like a day of eating pure food or even some gently fasting.
Key Wordsyoga therapy, yoga therapy program, certified yoga teachers, yoga alliance, natural medicine, yoga teacher training, yoga teacher certification, yoga, yoga accreditation, yoga therapy certification, yoga therapy school, yoga teaching, yoga therapist training, yoga career, teach yoga, yogavision, ten body, Kundalini, meditation, relaxation, breathing, exercise, wellness, yoga, natural, balance, mind, body, spirit,