Thierry Salmeron and Yann Christophe came back with a simple message from a NDE.After many years and hours meeting people all over the world they created with Xavier Julien the Homme vrai organization and Homme vrai Publishing in France.
The first book published is now a Best-seller in Europe and they keep sharing this unique vision of life with books translated in many languages, talking and seminaries wherever they are wanted.
Why have we got to this stage? To these beliefs? To spirituality? To unending intellectual analyses? To childish materialism? To accumulating knowledge ‘just in case'?
At what moment did we go off course, heading towards these pale imitations of life?
And why has that chatterbox in our heads now started to lull our senses to sleep and generate this fear?
Is it possible to go back to where it all started? A simple, full life with a calm mind which serves us well?
Yes, because it is as natural as seeing or breathing. Do you use a particular method or knowledge to see and breathe naturally all day long?
We have the answers. The moment to put it all into action has just arrived.
Thus begins a dialogue with life, resulting in vigilance devoid of concerns. But that… is another story.
The French best-seller "Man is a god... In a donkey's skin" is available in English in print copy and ebook.
Get a free ebookvisiting our web site
Also you can read in English "Everything that happens near me speaks to me" ebook.
A first step to discover our work and don't hesitate to contact us if you need us for a talk or a workshop. Real Man Organization
Homme vrai Organization (Real Man Organization)
Xavier Julien
Port Fitou 126 Domaine de Pedros
Tel : +33 (0)6 85 97 01 23