Most people are audio readers, mentally sounding out the
words of the text. The reason for this reading deficiency
is the student is not taught to read without pronouncing the
words. As oral reading is taught immediately after the
phonics. This method is called the “See It-Say It,” method.
Therefore one’s reading speed is limited to the
rate of speech. True reading, rather, is based on comprehending the text, without sounding out the words mentally.
The “See It-Say It,” method is based on reading orally. This practice utilizes the left brain hemisphere. My program utilizes the right hemisphere of the brain. After the phonics have been learned. The right hemisphere is analytical, and involves discovering patterns. Therefore this program utilizes patterns to comprehend the meaning of the text.
Let it be known, this is categorically not an Evelyn Wood, speed-reading program. As speed-reading is based on skipping and skimming. Speed-Reading emphasizes speed at the expense of comprehension. This program has no compromise. Neither, do I suggest an unrealistic results. The average person thinks at an approximate rate of 600 words per minute. It is this Writer’s opinion, that one’s reading speed can not exceed the speed of thought. A reading speed of 400 to 500 words per minute, should be an attainable goal!
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