Wendy retired in 2010 from a 35-year County government job, where she worked the last 25 years as the Retirement Manager. Retirement is her passion and she continues to help retirees post-retirement. Wendy is a Certified Life Coach, specializing as a Retirement Coach.
Wendy owns Retirement-Online.com and helps new retirees transition from work life to retired life. Retirement anxiety has become a hot topic on the site as it ranks #2 in Google for the term "retirement anxiety". Wendy is determined to help retirees live more purposeful, thriving, happy lifestyles.
Top Ten Reasons to Retire was her free ebook, and it's now an email course covering even more... Yes, it's still free. She has written three Kindle books available on Amazon: Ready to Retire?, Ready to Un-Retire? and Retirement Anxiety, Stress, and Depression: Be Gone!
She also keeps busy running a free Retirement-Online Community where retirees (age 50 - 80+) chat daily and find new friends.