I had anxiety for a lot of years, and quite frankly...I don't know how I did survive it sometimes. Just as I would learn to deal with certain things, I would get a new list of symptoms that would scare me half to death.
One night, literally out of nowhere, I got the tingling head/face thing, and after about a week of my face tingling I went to the E.R. This was only my second time going to an E.R. for anxiety, but I was scared.
I had a full-blown panic attack right in front of a doctor, and that was an experience that ultimately helped me a lot. I've learned to let anxiety do its worst to me, because I know it is not going to do anything but fill my head with unnecessary thoughts, which I don't need.
I know that the only answer for anxiety issues is learning what they are, and what they are NOT!Benzodiazepines are not any answer, and getting off of them is literally torture which I barely made it through...just barely.
I am for the most part anxiety-free these days, and only worry about things that actually exist, which is what I am told "normal people" do. I am also told that anxious people are the only people who say phrases like "normal people" so I guess I still have some unwanted thoughts hanging around, but they do not control any part of my day.