Tony and his wife Sheila live on the Sunshine Coast of Queensland and have a passion for lawn mowing and gardening . They have left the rat race and exchanged their careers for a lawn mowing and gardening business owned and operated by themselves.
STS Mowing is a friendly, reliable and professional mowing business which provides all manner of services including mowing, gardening, weeding , edging , whipper snippering , pruning , hedge trimming , green waste removal and weed spraying . They offer a personal service and competitive prices.
If you are looking for a reliable mowingand gardeningservice give them a call. You won’t be disappointed.
Find STS Mowing Dating today at .
Lovenotes Dating is available to residents of New Zealand, Australia, the USA, UK, Canada and Ireland at: Our membership fees are all in New Zealand dollars. Why? Because that is where we are and we do not believe in over charging people just because they live in another country. After all, Love is Universal.