Introducing the Compassionate Lady behind GoodGrief-andYou... Susan Holsinger
This site is dedicated to Mothers and Fathers, Grandmas and Grandpas everywhere who have experienced the deep sorrow in the unexpected death of a child.
The unthinkable happens...your baby dies...your world stops...
You just don't think about it happening to you...
Susan knows what it feels like because of her own personal experience in the death of her first child, Bethany.
Over the years Susan has reached out to many others who have experienced losing a baby. She has spent many hours providing coaching and support. Her compassionate heart and understanding spirit has touched many lives. Susan's book "My Little Angel" will be published soon. She is a Klemmer & Associates graduate, been professionally coached by Jack Canfield and been a student of many personal growth and self help programs.
Everyone has their own unique story, but our pain is the same.... it is the one thing we understand. We are mothers, fathers, grandmothers and grandfathers who carry this deep pain in our hearts forever, who will always remember...
Susan's greatest desire is for your little "Angel" to be remembered...
May the information you find here bring healing to your broken heart and your wounded spirit.
Even though this deep sorrow lessens over time... precious memories remain in our hearts forever. In spite of this great pain and tragedy, there are so many great truths to learn and Susan's desire is to share them with you. This experience taught her the important things of life and in the process gave her a glimpse of eternity where true love never dies.
You will be blessed as she shares her heart with you. May you find comfort and courage as you create special memories that brings a smile to your lips and puts a song in your heart.
A couple months had passed since my baby died...
I was in the kitchen cleaning up the supper dishes and singing.
(I love to sing! :))
song I was singing was one I remember from my childhood. It was on an
old 45 record my Dad used to have. The song was written about a little
girl who had lost her Daddy and she was asking her far is
Tonight I made up my own words since I didn't remember anything but the chorus.(If you would like to hear this song please visit Susan's Songs )
Tonight my song went like this...
How far is Heaven?
Please take me there....
To see my Bethany...
She's there, I know.....
How far is Heaven?
Let's go tonight....I want to hold....
My Bethany tight....
Oh how I did long at times to hold her tight!!! If only for five minutes!This feeling was very real....even though I knew she was in Heaven with Jesus.
It brought comfort to my heart to know that Jesus understood....
He understood my pain...
He understood my Mother heart and why I longed to hold my baby tight.
And I was comforted...
felt His comforting presence and His gentle reminders when He spoke to
me of a blessed time in the future when I will get to hold my baby
tight.... forever!
To believe and know He understood helped me keep moving forward through the pain of not getting to hold her tight right now.
It was just a little song.
..but it expressed my deep heartache and pain...
felt relieved to express my pain in this way...and did not think it was
strange or presumptuous to wish I could hold Bethany again for just 5
I knew Jesus understood...He still understands today...
There is no shame in expressing exactly how you feel to Him...
Because He understands....and if you let Him...
He will heal your hurting heart and pour in the oil of comfort and consolation.
You do not have to suffer in silence...
You do not have to feel alone....
You do have choices....
You can choose to talk to someone who has experienced this deep heartache.
You can choose to work through this and experience the joys of life again.
can find comfort and meaning in an experience that has left you
bruised, shattered and broken. Misery is optional...
Others have
experienced what you have experienced.
I am one who had this experience, too... just like you...
I often wished for someone I could share with who understood my thoughts and feelings. Someone who would just listen and not judge what I was saying!!
one of the reasons you are reading this...because I care about what's
happening in your life. I know how painful this can be.
If you
feel misunderstood and you feel no one wants to talk about this
I am here for you.
If you'd like to create special memories intribute to your baby,
I am here for you.
Feel free to contact me @
for a free consultation.
Please put in the subject line "I want a Free Consultation"
We can move forward from there...
Visit Good Grief and You for additional thoughts about
the loss of your baby or young child.
I love to hear from others who share a first hand experience
with the death of their baby or child.
Susan Holsinger
Skype: susan.irene63
Grieving can be very physical...
To support your body in maintaining vibrant health