Stephen Manley is known for having developed a guaranteed-to-work system for learning how to speed read .
Not many people in the world actually know how to speed read properly. Most people who think they can speed read are really only scanning, or skimming over the text. Speed reading has to do with maximizing comprehension as well as speed.
When Stephen was learning how to speed read, he found that there were dozens of different theories on speed reading, and many different ways of learning the skill. Many of the products had wildly conflicting ideas...
After going through dozens of different speed reading products, studying and testing each of them, he decided to compile all of the most powerful techniques and methods, and create a super-system for speed reading.
Eventually, this system turned into the Speed Reading Manual .
Stephen has not stopped his research, and is continually interested in learning more about how the mind works, and how to make the best use of it.
"I've never known any trouble that an hour's reading didn't assuage."-Charles De Secondat
For a first step, sign up for my free Speed Reading Newsletter . It's very easy to join, and extremely helpful for anyone who wants to learn more about speed reading.
Or, if you want to jump right into it, get the Speed Reading Manual . It's guaranteed to (at least) double your reading speed, while maintaining or improving your comprehension. You can't go wrong with that!