Shannon Peck
is a spiritual healer & teacher of love & healing. She ispassionate about healing & relies on divine Love's presence, which includes a spiritual practice of guidance through prayer, inspiration, intuition, & metaphysics for healing. She engages her technique of "Asking Love," in all her work.
Shannon is Co-Founder of TheLoveCenter, & author of Love Heals: How to Heal Everything with Love & the Love Heals Study Guide. She is co-author of Love Skills for Personal & Global Transformation: Secrets of a Love Master , & The Love You Deserve: A Spiritual Guide to Genuine Love , & Liberating Your Magnificence: 25 Keys to Loving & Healing Yourself and the 6-CD set All the Love You Could Ever Want! She is a former co-host of "Love Talk," a live, one-hour weekly call-in show on SIRIUS satellite radio (LIME, channel 114). She and her husband, Dr. Scott Peck are also co-authors of hundreds of published articles on love, spirituality, relationships, intimacy, and healing which have appeared in various newspapers and magazines across the US.
Shannon brings forth a powerful healing influence to all TheLoveCenter's ongoing programs. She and Scott are currently involved in producing a largescale number of videos for easy, brief listening to bring their unique spiritual teachings on love and healing to a new media.
The healing power of Love is astounding.
Anyone with a commitment to the practice of a life of love and spiritual growth can heal. In fact, healing is easy.
Children, for example, are natural healers. They haven’t yet read books or taken courses on the subject, yet their purity, innocence, and loving hearts naturally glide upward towards healing. They want to make things better. They have a wonderful tendency to follow Love’s healing path.
When my daughter was in grade school, perhaps the first grade, I was sick in bed one day. She came over to me in such a loving way that it felt as though Love itself was visiting me. I felt the power of her heart messaging to me Love’s healing presence. The upliftment acted as a quickening to a rapid healing because of her Love visit. I have experienced the natural Love healer within her many times over the years and it has grown to a full blown healing presence which she has learned to utilize on a regular basis now as an adult.
Each of us are natural messengers of Love. We can learn to tap within ourselves to hear the message of the heart that has the desire and ability to heal.
Excerpt from Shannon's book:
Love Heals:How to Heal Everything with Love
Dear Precious Friend,
Welcome to this sacred space of healing. Theresources here at Self Growth and my website at
will help you rise in healing wherever most needed -- and also help you advance as a Love healer yourself.
My prayer is that every aspect of your life may be blessed today and each hour. May you feel divine Love with you every moment, whispering its healing messages of how very wonderful you are! It’s a great day for healing and progress everywhere in your life! I hope you'll call me soon for healing help, 858-792-1779. (Please see my website for rates and how I work with clients, thanks!)
My healing messages are offered to comfort, uplift, inspire, & connect you with your divinity. Welcome to the heart of healing with Love!