I am Executive Instructor of Brain Management. Brain Management teaches you a range of mind enhancing techniques, primarily how to tap into and control your own vast potential locked in your subconscious mind. My students / clients discover the way to learn how to learnnaturally and the key to unlocking your unlimited potential. The key is Mental Photography.
Mental Photography is your ability to tap into your natural photographic memoryyou were born with and re-establish that connection.
eBrain Executive Seminaris the Executive Version taught ONLY by myself, primarily in Australasia. The advanced methods that I teach is the result of collaborative efforts between myself and my Mentor, Richard Welch, the “Father of Mental Photography”and Founder of Brain Management and CEO of Educom, Inc.
Resulting from my work, I have a honorary Ph.D in the field of Philosophy, and was nominated for many “ Who’s Who?” awards, one of which was “Top Intellectuals of 2000".
My intellectualpursuits include advanced problem solving, advanced programming techniques, critical thinking, lateral thinking, as well as esoteric and eclectic concepts, and living life using a simple formula for success, which I have named “The Path of Least Resistance “.
I want to bring out the best in humanity. The resources that each person has sitting on their shoulders are vast beyond comprehension. Brain Management and Mental Photography is the perfect vehicle to unleash a person’s unlimited ability.
Some of these quotes were passed on to me, but most I created myself through experience and observation. Good Quotes are like a favorite jacket – They wear well.
Wherever you are, you are there of your own making.
Wherever you are at any given moment, you are meant to be there, experiencing what you are experiencing.
There is no such thing as an accident, only lessons.It is up to you to find the lesson(s) .
Success is often gauged by what you have given up, not what you have gained.
Pain is Life’s great teacher.
The Great Equalizer:
The Universe always seeks balance. If life was always a positive experience, we would not have anything to compare to. Therefore, we would not learn to appreciate it. "Be as a glass of pure water. Light may pass through and never be diminished. The water can bend and change the light, even if only in the direction the light is traveling."
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Mind To Mind - The Brain Accelerator: http://www/MINDtoMIND.com/