About the Author:Sarah Hongerloot is a Legal Administrative Support Professional, Intuitive Counselor and Inspirational Writer. Her most recent article, "Sprit of Abundance" was published in the November 2012 Evolving Magazine. Hobbies include aviation, reading, writing, traveling and volunteering. She is a student of A Course in Miracles, former employee of Carnival Cruise Lines and Western Pacific Airlines. Sarah obtained her travel degree with the International Air Academy headquartered in Vancouver, BC in 1996. Her foremost passion is writing as an avenue to provide a deep understanding of the human condition, especially mental illness and depression to foster and inspire wellness in others. For questions, comments please contact Sarah at sh4635379@gmail.com or facebook.
I ran across this quote by Bialik in Hebrew titled:
"The First Ones Never Fit In: Feeling Different, Feeling Called"
"Ever feel like you're weird? Like somehow you don't fit?....Your soul said, I'll go first. I'll call it. I won't get distracted by "the shoulds," the promises, and the baubles. I'll seek true strength. I'll hunt the light. I'll remember this time. I'll know there's something more and I won't rest until I find it. i'll be one of the ones who goes first.
You weirdo. you're a visionary. You're a change agent. You're a beacon. You're a pioneer. You're on the fringes of the bell curve, changing the ration of our mass consciousness as we speak. And I thank you. And I bless you. And I join you.
Behold, you've found the good, the gold and orange. You were the first ones to face the sunlight."