En Route to Vitality
From twice Juno nominated singer to expert on stress relief, holistic nutrition and well-being, Toronto native, Rosalie Moscoe was once the Frazzled Hurried Woman! She spent 20 years in music for children, mostly as part of the Canadian singing duo Jim & Rosalie and later as a solo artist . She performed for hundreds of thousands of children in concert halls and on TV. Rosalie wrote songs and recorded five children’s albums and published a children’s music and activity book. So what was the problem?
Fork in The Road
Stress, poor health and over commitment were Rosalie’s companions. When she suffered poor health–sometimes lost her voiced on stage, suffered back problems, had surgery for a pre-cancer condition, experienced car crashes (of her own making) and resulting injuries, she decided to seek ways to achieve an enriched work/life balance. As a mother, daughter, wife (and now a grandmother), she realized she couldn’t do it all!
Wellness Education
Rosalie became a student of wellness, stress relief and nutrition, first as a hobby. Finally, she took a huge leap and left the music business that she loved. Her children now adults, she became a student and graduated in ’95 from Canada’s post-graduate Workplace Wellness & Health Promotion Program at Centennial College. The course affirmed her years of personal study.
Rosalie learned that 'wellness' is more than just physical well-being; it includes our emotional, spiritual, vocational, financial and social world. Inspired to share her knowledge, she established a career as a motivational speaker for business audiences, government, and mental health agencies on topics of stress relief, well-being and nutrition. Later, she became an instructor on stress management at Centennial College.
Curious about complementary medicine, Rosalie enrolled in a holistic nutrition program and in ‘98 graduated from The Canadian School of Natural Nutrition. As a nutritional consultant she helps people attain well-being. Rosalie is Vice Chair of the International Schizophrenia Foundation and Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine, orthomed.org.
Featured in the National Post in 2003 and other publications regarding the hurried woman, she is now the author of Frazzled Hurried Woman! Your Stress Relief Guide To Thriving…Not Merely Surviving. Author of many published articles, CD’s and videos for lifestyle enhancement, she shares her life-giving strategies using fun and dramatic techniques. Truly, her appeal spans all generations.
Visit Rosalie's blog here :
Today in North America, over 55 million women experience symptoms of the Hurried Woman. Hurried Women are capable, involved women. However, they are also frazzled, rushed off their feet, and tired to the point of exhaustion. Often they're moody, overweight and many already suffer physical and mental ailments that make them want to pull the covers over their heads each morning. Mostly, hurried women are overdoing it on all fronts! (Men too get frazzled!)
We live in many worlds; physical, emotional, social, spiritual, financial, intellectual, vocational. If one of these areas are out of balance, so too we can become unbalanced. Sometimes it's easier to start in one area that stands out in our minds that needs nurturing. Good nutrition helps, friends help, going for a walk helps, taking time out helps, spiritual reflection helps.
From my own experience through life (and a former frazzled, hurried woman), it is possible to slow down, learn how to relax, live in the moment and take better care of ourselves. Everyone you connect with will benefit as well. Good luck on your way. Life's a great journey.
Quotes by Rosalie (excerpts from her book, Frazzled Hurried Woman! Your Stress Relief Guide to Thriving...Not Merely Surviving):
"It's time to ditch the black cloud and look for the rainbow!"
"We really need to love our work-or at least something about it!"
"Doing is better than stewing."
"It's time to view events as challenges instead of threats."
"Don't let every hurt be a stake in your heart."
"Many will understand the feeling of accomplishment of washing dirty pots in the morning that have been sitting in the sink all night."
"Multi-tasking to save time is a myth. You're only rattling your brain!"
"Are you liberated from the kitchen to fast food paradise...or hell?"
"Embrace relationships. They will warm you. Perhaps one will even keep you cozy on a cold night."
"We each own a rainbow glowing inside."
Rosalie Moscoe, RHN, RNCP
Health In Harmony
Since 1995, as a Stress, Wellness and Nutritional Consultant and speaker, Rosalie Moscoe helps Staff of organizations, members of associations and individuals internationally. She motivates harried individuals to reduce stress and boost nutrition for increased well-being and productivity. In turn people can then add more value not only to their organizations but also to their families, communities and to themselves.
Author of e-book and print book Frazzled Hurried Woman! Your Stress Relief Guide To Thriving... Not Merely Surviving, video, CD and audio "Less Stress: More Success!" , CD and audio " Food & Mood: A Love/Hate Relationship ", she offers free help through her monthly ezine, "Health in Harmony News", and posted articles at www.healthinharmony.com Ph. 416- 653-0077 or 1- 877-653-0077.