Over the last ten years, Ronelle Coburn, Master Hand Analyst certified by the International Institute of Hand Analysis, has helped thousands of clients discover and live their most meaningful life by decoding their fingerprints and hands for their unique Life Purpose, Life Lessons, Gifts, and personality characteristics. Over the years, as a Master Teacher, Ronelle has tutored or trained most of the IIHA’s top professional hand analysts and has traveled the world to speak and exhibit at national and international conferences. Most recently she’s authored the bestselling, Destiny at Your Fingertips—Discover the Inner Purpose of Your Life and What It Takes to Live It , published by Llewellyn Worldwide, so as many people as possible can know their Life Purpose beyond a shadow of a doubt and claim the life they love to live.
Life Purpose Consultations
•Life Purpose Discovery Session
•Life Purpose Jumpstart Package
Click here to learn more about Life Purpose Consultations
Life Purpose Hand Analysis Training
•Life Purpose Hand Analysis Intensive
•Hand Analysis Certification Training I-Certified Hand Analyst
•Hand Analysis Certification Training II-Advanced Hand Analyst
”I’ve come to believe that each of us has a personal calling that’s as unique as a fingerprint.” Oprah from O Magazine
“...And the truth is that as a man’s real power grows and his knowledge widens, ever the way he can follow grows narrower. Until at last he chooses nothing, but does only and wholly what he must do...” Ursual LeGuin from The Farthest Shore
"Not to take possession of your life plan is to let your
existence be an accident." Irvin Yalom from When Nietzsche Wept
“At the dawn of the new millennium we need to understand that DNA prints and fingerprints are ultimately just reflections of something far deeper—the Soul Print.”
Marc Gafni from SoulPrints
“Many so-called mental and emotional illnesses are really symptoms of an underlying sense of meaninglessness or emptiness. Once you have a sense of mission you have the essence of your own proactivity. You have the vision and values from which to direct your life. You have the basic direction from which to set your long- and short-term goals.” Stephen R. Covey from The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
“‘Know thyself’ was written over the portal of the antique world. Over the portal of the new world, ‘Be thyself’ shall be written.” Oscar Wilde
“If there is one question I am asked over and over again, it’s this one:‘How can I discover my life purpose and make a difference in the world?’”
Cheryl Richardson from Stand Up for Your Life
“The entire image of a destiny is packed into a tiny acorn, the seed of a huge oak on small shoulders. And its call rings loud and persistent and is as demanding as any scolding voice from the surroundings.” James Hillman from The Soul’s Code
Are you really ready to learn your Life Purpose, straight up, no fooling? You can know exactly what your Life Purpose is directly from your own fingerprints. No more wondering and no more guessing. For real. BUT, this pursuit is not for the faint of heart. It's for Truth Seekers only. Your fingerprints provide you with the most direct look into the mirror at yourself of any system of self-discovery in existence today. It's privileged information that is both exhilarating and challenging, encouraging and exposing.
Your fingerprints offer you nothing less than the key to your most meaningful life, a view into your core essential self trying to emerge in every moment of every day of your life. But you have to choose it. Just because you have a Life Purpose doesn’t mean you’re fated to live it. You have free will and the power to choose it or refuse it. It’s up to you. Are you someone who wants to learn your purpose and who wants to live it no matter what it takes so you can understand and fulfill your highest potential? If so, check out my website at www.RonelleCoburn.com and get started by downloading my FREE E-Book , claiming your FREE subscription to Talk to the Hand , ordering my book Destiny at Your Fingertips , or getting a full personal Life Purpose consultation.