A funny thing happend to me at the "Chicago Improv" in 1985. I began my sales career in 1973; selling everything from steel to fertilizer, while pursuing a career in show biz. In 1985, God, gave three revelations, the first was that Rosie O’Donnell’s, career would take off, the second was while I was on stage at The Chicago Improv, when instead of doing my material to hone my skills it was placed on my heart to acknowledge a young actors future, well I had just seen his first movie “Streets of Gold”, he played a boxer. Before I went on stage I asked him what his name was because, his career had been shown to me so clearly it frightened me. He said my friends call me “Wes”, but my name is Wesley Snipes. Once I got on stage it seemed as if God made me his press agent because I couldn’t go on without giving him his props, all the comedians that had come up, before me had paid homage to the Chicago Bears championship run. I told the crowd to watch out for this guy, “He’s” going to work with everybody! I said; because it had been shown to me. Then it was my turn I was instructed in my spirit, to start a home based business. That could be duplicated by anyone with the desire to save money, make money and be their own Boss. I made a connection to my mentor and friend Mr. David Stewart a pioneer and “Expert in Network Marketing”, I told him what I wanted to do and with his help and encouragement my journey began. I became his student of his “Success In Action” program. I then started to research and developed a unique system, of doing Network marketing... I went on a learning frenzy with the same passion a disciple, going on a feeding frenzy. I devoured everything I could get my hands on about network marketing... I read books... I listened to audio tapes in my car... I never missed a company training, attended all the team conferences and opportunity meetings. I went to all the events. I milked my mentor for all the wisdom and advice he could or would bestow upon me. And - most importantly - I did everything I was told to do. The way they said, to do it. I made my names list... and contacted everyone on it... set coffee appointments... drove all over the place ... did three way calls... passed out videos... did home meetings. Lots of them... I SHOWED THE PLAN!!... I invited people to hotel meetings... picked people up... passed out business cards... showed the plan some more... prospected everyone with a pulse... used the referral approach... the whole deal. (Did I mention I showed the plan?). I was a real "go getters." You know, the kind of distributor any up-line would give their left arm to have. There was only one minor problem. I had no money to put this together, so I put it in God’s Hand’s, because in order to be unique and I knew it had to be internet based and it must integrate different Network Marketing companies, thus generating money from more than one source. That would be monthly residual income making it possible for anyone who joined Woods Marketing Group and become self employed, with a step by step, method that not only gives you all the tools you’ll ever need, but we also teach you how to manage your own websites : Of course you will have to pay their monthly membership fee it's the cost of doing business. And thus assuring yourself, of at least one, of the many different, multiple - Residual Income streams. These websites are exactly the same type, as used by all the top Network marketing companies,except you will have three websites working together with one another.Separately the members of these three companies are presently, earning (thousands, of dollars) All that we are doing is combining them to give you the best chance for successfully running your home businesses. Following our step by step, method, as instructed with three or four different monthly income streams, you will make money how much is up to you. And we will help when you need it.
Do you know the facts of life? Film director Michael Moore is like America’s Mirror. He has made a good living by making us take a good two hour Look at ourselves. How did he do this you may ask yourself, with some very important facts?The Facts: 1.“The only Constant in Life, is Change.”2.“Not All but some Change is good.” 3.“We don’t ask enough of the right questions.”Here are five of the most important questions that Americans should be asking themselves.1.Are your Medical Bills too high?2.Are you tired of paying big bucks for insurance, prescription drugs and healthcare?3.Would we like to save money, make money and be our own bosses and control our own destiny?4.If Americans were shown how would we have the courage to change, or bow to fear?5.What is Fear? Well let me answer the last question first:Yes what is fear and why does it control our lives Making following instructions difficult Fear has been defined as an “Acronym”, F.E.A.R., False, Evidence, Appearing, Real, I say it’s a strange Bird that means nobody any good that fly’s over our heads just out of reach crapping all over us from head to toe.. If you’ll do what I tell you I’ll show you how to trap that bird , wring his neck, pluck him , butcher, and dredge it in flour and place it in the “Hot Grease”, of your choice turning it from time to time until it is golden brown and delicious Yeah it taste and looks just like “Chicken” Well if you’re not “Chicken”Go to:( http://www.shoppingsherlock.com/87273 ) and for a complete picture go to: http://www.woodsmarketinggroup.com unless you are scared. Chickens have a right to be fearful everyone’s out to get them. From the moment they come into the world people are trying to get them to come out of their shells.
Coming to Our Online Store will change your future forever if you act today. @ http://www.woodsmarketinggroup.com WOODS MARKETING GROUP NEWS You must be somebody special because you are here, at the “Right place, at the Right Time”. Wouldn't you like to change your future for the better? “How you may ask?”WMG Success Kit is designed to help you be successful in launching and maintaining your own home based business. Each one teaches one is our premise, of earning your living, by helping others. How can you earn money by helping someone else? It's easy through network marketing. Our “Success Kit” is broken down into three different parts. 1.) Your very own website shopping mall that searches all the major search engines for the best price on google, yahoo, amazon bing you name it. 2.) Millions of products and step by step marketing techniques. 3.) Personally trained Mentors to guide you every step of the way. The kit is also a very useful fundraising tool for any type of organization and we have special programs for churches and other non-profit organizations.
WOODS MARKETING GROUP @ http://www.woodsmarketinggroup.net/ email address : sales@woodsmarketinggroup.com Telephone No. 708-601-8017