Networking is something that more and more people are engaging in as a way to generate new business. Most people are very ineffective in their networking activities. I have an extensive background in business networking and Online Networking. It is the integration of both these channels that makes me very unique.
I help people use LinkedIn to triple their effectiveness in networking while reducing their time they spend doing it in half.
There is an old saying that states that "the fortune is in the follow-up." Yet most sales people and entrepreneurs do a lousy job in following up. I used to be one of them. I have since created a turnkey follow up system that guarantees that your prospects and clients never forget you.
I have owned my own business since 1992 when I co-founded Productive Learning & Leisure - an organization that offers courses, learning adventures and products that enhance people’s success in both their business and personal life. Therefore I understand what it is like to be in the trenches generating business and the role that marketing plays in it.