Richard Gorham is an authority in the area of leadership, management and finance.
With over 25 years as a leader in the financial industry, Gorham now spends his time sharing his insights with aspiring leaders via his books, audiobook tape series and websites.
Gorham is the founder of , the premier online resource for free and low-cost leadership tools and resources. With over 30,000 subscribers, he authors Leadership Tools Monthly News , a free monthly newsletter.
Gorham's energy and enthusiasm for self growth and personal development is contagious. He considers himself to be a ‘Lifetime Student', noting that life's key questions have been answered many times throughout history by our most notably leaders and philosophers.
The success of Gorham's online businesses has prompted him to provide aspiring entrepreneurs with tools and resources for creating their own successful online enterprises.
Gorham generously shares his in-depth knowledge of leadership and finance, for the betterment of his readers. His insights on how leaders can best leverage their time and money are extremely beneficial.
Gorham reminds his readers often, "Leaders will find a way, or make one."
-"Dont wait for your opportunity; make it!" - O.S. Marden
-"Necessity is a priceless spur. Being broke is not as bad as being poor. Poor, is a state of mind."
-"Every man stamps his own value upon himself, and we are great or not according to our own will." - Samuel Smiles
-"Do noble things, not simply dream them all day long, and so make life, death, and forever, one grand sweet song." - Benjamin Franklin
-"One unwavering aim is the answer. Focused determination makes all the difference - in everything." - R. Gorham
-"On the great clock of time, there is but one word - NOW."
-"Every great and commanding movement in the history of the world is the triumph of enthusiasm. Nothing great was ever achieved without it." - Humphry Davy
-"If a man can write a better book, preach a better sermon, or make a better mouse trap than his neighbor, though he lives deep in the woods, the world will make a beaten path to his door." - Emerson
-"What sculpture is to a block of marble, education is to the human soul." - Addison
-"What is defeat? Nothing but education; nothing but the first steps to something better." - Wendall Phillips
-"Why should we call ourselves men, unless it be to succeed in everything, everywhere?" - Mirabeau
-"The great use in reading is for self-discovery." - Marden
-"Millions of youths fail in life because they fail to choose work they love. Work that lacks emotion amounts to nothing more than drudgery." - R. Gorham
It's been my experience as a leader in a corporate environment for over 20 years, that most of the really good leadership tools and programs on the market today tend to sell at a very high price.
I'm of the strong opinion that everyone, no matter what their income level or location, should have immediate access to quality tools and resources that can positively impact their lives.
I believe that everyone has the ability to become a more effective leader - at work, at home and in life.
I keep a sharp eye out for the real honest-to-goodness tools and resources that can be immediately used to achieve greater results in my business and in my personal life - and I share this knowledge with thousands of readers in my monthly newsletter and on my various websites.
Multitudes of people could benefit greatly from these highly impactful lessons in leadership, if only the cost of these quality tools and resources were more readily accessible - and not so cost prohibitive.
That's where comes in! We work to make quality tools and resources available to anyone who has the desire to learn and grow.
My personal wish for you is that you too are able to successfully seek out and identify what it is that you are truly passionate about in life.
I wish you success in building your life in a way that makes it possible for you to pursue your passion regularly, and that you are able to share your unique gifts with others along the way.
Whether you are a student, a corporate executive, a stay at home mom or dad, retiree, or other - your opportunities remain right in front of you.
It's never too late for you to begin experiencing the rewards of pursuing your greatest ambition.
Rest assured, a successful life does not require a lot of money. A truly successful life can only be measured by the quality of our relationships and the level of our contributions - to our families, friends and communities.
The fact remains, however, that money does provide us with more options - and as a result, more personal freedom. So I do encourage you to establish clear financial goals in order to make your life what it's meant to be - a masterpiece!
Get started today.
Richard Gorham
Attn: Richard Gorham
2879 Riverwalk Loop
Eugene, Oregon 97401
Ph: (503) 970-9777