I am a Certified Personal Trainer, Certified Self Defense Trainer, and a Certified Lifestyle and Weight Management Specialist. I focus alot on Health Related Physical Fitness, Self Defense and Personal Safety Lectures, Multiple Martial Arts Systems, Weight Management Coaching, and Martial Arts Based Fitness Training. I have continued to update my knowledge bases on my selected fields. Im driven and motivated to help those around me with whatever I can within my selected fields of focus. It will be a real pleasure working with you and informing you with the best current information and training I can get my hands on.
My martial arts and fitness programs are currently being redesigned
Building a new website
Take what is useful, reject what is useless, and add what is specifically your own- Bruce Lee
Use what works for you- Me
Never stop until you get what you want- Me
Strive for the best, never settle for less- Me
I tend to take and integrate the best practices in the martial arts and then I custom build my systems.
Pressure test your techniques- Me
I am currently designing a new martial arts and fitness website.
email: healthfitnessselfdefenseservices@yahoo.com
phone: 787-464-1199 (serious inquiries only!! Do not call to sell me products or services.)