Penny C. Sansevieri, CEO and founder of Author Marketing
Experts, Inc., is a best-selling author and internationally recognized book
marketing and media relations expert. Her company is one of the leaders in the
publishing industry and has developed some of the most cutting-edge book
marketing campaigns. Her company researched, developed and implemented the
first comprehensive Internet publicity campaign called The Virtual Author
Penny began her
career in the publicity, book marketing, and literary field over 15 years ago.
During that time she has been an author, publicist, freelance writer, and
instructor. She has been instrumental in creating several highly successful
marketing and publicity campaigns for author events and book launches. She
has worked with such high profile clients as world renowned psychic and ghost
buster, Jane Doherty, Barney Rosenzweig (Executive Producer of Cagney &
Lacey and author of Cagney & Lacey, and Me), Jac Flanders (of the original
Fantastic Four), Tammi Menendez, wife of Erik Menendez, and the first eBay
auction of a Princess Diana gown (lot “9” from Christie’s New York). Her clients have been featured in
USA Today, The Wall Street Journal, The Today Show, Essence Magazine, More
Magazine, The Bridal Guide, National Public Radio, MSNBC, Something You Should
Know, Book TV, Reader's Digest, iVillage, The Heloise Show, and many others.
Penny's diverse
background enables her to bring a multitude of talents to the table as well as
a myriad of marketing techniques.
In February of 2001,
Penny began instructing the “Get Published Today!” workshops. Thesegroundbreaking classes are the first to be offered anywhere in the United States
and focus on teaching authors about their publishing options.
She has been
featured on KUSI TV-9/51, The NBC Morning Show, The Fox 6 Morning Show, KNPT
Talk Radio in Oregon, Fox Talks KGWY in Wyoming, 760 AM KFMB The Internet Show,
Book Nook, Mix 95.7 in San Diego, KFNX in Phoenix, KMZY in Hawaii, and many
more. Copies of these programs are available upon request.
Penny’s innovative
marketing strategies have been featured in Writer’s Digest Magazine, Book
Marketing Update, The Publicity Hound, The San Diego Union Tribune, Working
Writer Magazine, Vision Magazine, Writer’s Web, New Book Reviews, Romance
Writers of America, RW of Europe and many more. She is also Editor for the
e-newsletter "The Book Marketing Expert," which has a subscriber base
in excess of 5,000.
Penny successfully
authored her first book, The Cliffhanger
which was released in 2000. After a strategic marketing campaign it soared up
the ranks at and held the #1 spot for three months.* Two of her
books, Get Published Today, a complete guide to print-on-demand publishing, and
From Book to Bestseller, called the “road map to book marketing and promotion,”
are being republished this fall by Morgan James Publishing, LLC. Her new book,
Red Hot Internet Publicity, which describes the Virtual Author Tour ™ she
created, will be published later this fall. Copies of her books are available
upon request.
You can visit her
web site at
*best selling bookwithin San Diego
Speaker Topics:
Red Hot Internet Publicity
If you think you have your Internet marketing covered with just a web site, you might be missing out on a bucket of Internet gold. This class is packed with information with everything from creating the perfect web site to demystifying keywords and how to create a great blog. We’ll also discuss how to turn web site visitors into customers and how to maximize your internet promotional efforts through blogs, internet articles, chat groups, and ezines.
Red Hot Internet Basics
If the idea of blogging, podcasting, and vlogging has your head spinning, you’ll love this class! We’ll look at easy ways to start a blog or podcast and tricks for keeping them going. Did you know that most bloggers or podcasters only keep the momentum for a month? This class will show you simple things you can do so you never have to worry about running out of ideas or ways to market yourself!
Super Savvy Self Promotion
Marketing a book doesn't have to be an overwhelming task. All it takes is some time, careful planning and a dash of creative thinking. This program combines savvy ideas with effective and cost-effective strategies to get your book the attention it deserves. We'll even discuss free marketing opportunities available to all authors! You'll learn what marketing options offer the biggest payoffs in sales and what traditional methods are best to avoid.
Creating a Book Hook!
Without a "hook" your book will sink. So what's a hook? A hook is something you hang your star on, something that can get you published, get you into the media and onto the bookstore shelves. Whatever stage you are at, whether you are just crafting your story, selling your book to a publisher or trying to get on TV, a hook is a must for any successful author! This workshop will show you how to find the hook behind your book and how to maximize that angle. Whether fiction or nonfiction, everyone has a hook and we'll help you find it, refine it and make your book shine!
Get Published in Ninety Days or Less!
What's the new trend taking the publishing industry by storm? It's called "Print-on-Demand" and it's literally changing the way we publish. Find out all about this new technology and how it can work for you. We'll discuss the publishers that offer this service, the benefits of print-on-demand as well as a few unseen pitfalls.
Stay out of the Rejection Pile & Get Published Today!
Increase your chances of getting published by understanding how the publishing world works. This class will show you how to spot publishing trends, how to craft query letters, what agents are looking for, and why big advances are a bad thing. We'll learn how companies like MacAdams/Cage & Context are changing traditional publishing. We'll show you how to leverage your publishing chances by studying your marketing, creating visibility for your book and building a buzz before it’s even published.
Finish Writing Your Book…Now!
Are you stuck or struggling with writer’s block? Not sure how to proceed? Well then this class is for you. Attendees will learn how to break through writer’s block and get that book finished lighting fast! We’ll discuss techniques and strategies for success and little known secrets that will help get your book back on track!
Networking Gold!
Are your networking skills a bit rusty? Do you still have 999 of the 1,000 business cards you ordered? If that’s the case then you need to start getting out there. But if the thought of this terrifies you then Networking Gold is for you. We’ll discuss the best way for writers to network, we’ll also discuss tips and tricks for striking networking gold without breaking a sweat. Often it’s all about six degrees of separation. Who do you know who knows the producer of a show you’ve been trying to get on?
Book Signing Gold!
Got a book signing coming up? Want to know how to strike book signing gold, drive crowds of people to your event, sell more books AND get invited back? Then this class is for you! We'll teach you how to plan an exceptional book signing from start to finish!
Thinking Outside the Bookstore Box!
If bookstores aren’t interested in having you in their store or if you’ve exhausted this market then this class is for you. We’ll teach you how to capture the speaker market and how to create unique and stunning author events that will get you and your book noticed!
Media Training Magic!
Are you ready for your close up? If you’re not sure then this class is for you. Before you spend valuable marketing dollars to get yourself on radio and TV, you’ll want to make sure you know what you’re doing when it comes to media exposure. This class will teach you what you need to know about media training. BONUS: We’ll also share with you the media mistakes you’ll NEVER want to make!
Getting on Radio and TV Today!
Are you ready for the big time? Then this class is for you! During our session we’ll unveil the secrets of getting on radio and TV…today! We’ll teach you how to create a “book hook” how to position yourself onto an ongoing story and how you can get your pitch noticed for immediate results!
Author Focus
More often than not a writer's lack of focus affects not only their work, but their ability to finish a project. In fact, 71% of authors polled blamed lack of focus rather than writer's block on being unable to finish their book. Whether it's getting the book or novel completed, deciding where to market it or how to get it published… it's all about focus. Author focus is not about a to do list or assigning a book completion date, it's about determining the core of your book. Defining your book topic down to a one to two sentence description will bring your entire project into focus. This course will teach authors how to define their book, find the core of the story and build everything around that. Whether you are fiction or nonfiction, everyone needs a focus this class will show you how to attain it and how to make that focus work for you!
The successful author is the author engaged in their own success.
Success isn't one single home run but a series of excellent hits.
Powerful Book Promotion Made Easy
We take your success seriously.
Whether this is your first book or your fiftieth, we feel it deserves to be promoted as creatively and aggressively as any New York Times bestseller.
We here at AME work with authors and publishers daily to create effective marketing campaigns for mainstream, self-published, and print-on-demand books. We promote authors of all genres, including romance, mystery, thrillers, inspirational, self-help, literary fiction, business, parenting, relationships, and more.
No matter what your topic, your book is unique; that's why we don't believe in the cookie-cutter approach to marketing. Instead, we work with you or your publisher to create innovative promotional packages designed to place you in front of your target audience, including radio, television, print, or the Internet.
Call toll-free today for a free consultation with no obligation. We have packages to fit every budget. 866-713-2318.
For more information, visit .
Author Marketing Experts, Inc – East Coast
303 Park Avenue South, Ste 1419New York, NY 10010-3657
(212) 810-6988 p
Author Marketing Experts, Inc – West Coast
Post Office Box 421156
San Diego, CA 92142
(858) 560-0121 p
(858) 560-1231 f