Patricia has enjoyed coaching individuals since before coaching became a recognized profession, helping others to define their goals and manifest their dreams since 1975.
First to receive the Registered Corporate Coach designation from the National Association of Business Coaches (now the Worldwide Association of Business Coaches), Patricia has been helping others become coaches for eight years.
In 2005, Patricia founded the Business Coaching Certificate program at the University of Wisconsin Milwaukee School of Continuing Education
- where she teaches coaching, ethics, emotional intelligence and other related topics. She also teaches at the College of Professional Studies at Marquette University.
Her work in coaching has included executive coaching in Fortune 50 organizations, business coaching with owners, management teams and solo-preneurs, plus fun clients who are expanding their lives into a life-style or career that fits their life passion.
As a professional speaker, Patricia has traveled across the continent for over 30 years. doing speeches, workshops and media appearances as a professional speaker, trainer, consultant, writer, and coach giving over 4,000 presentations for corporations, associations, government agencies and non-profit organizations. The focus of her work is on alternative methods of teaching and learning that produce high quality results.
An important aspect of Patricia’s presentations is that she addresses the psychological perspectives and principles behind the practical tools that she teaches. As a result, audiences are often entranced with her and excited about using these new ideas. Her diverse background makes her a competent presenter for spouse groups, schools, parents and personal growth groups, as well as business-related meetings and training.
Through the emotional intelligence weekend intensive Taking It Lightly
, Patricia and her instructors have been able to make a difference for thousands of people of all ages and backgrounds, as well as thousands more through other seminars, coaching, speeches, etc. during her 35 years of working in human potential development.
In case you are wondering, it was many years of parochial school training that taught me to write about my accomplishments in third person - too many "I" statements were frowned upon! It also makes it easier for someone else to read this as my bio!
Assessments on personality styles and more!
Taking It Lightly is a weekend emotional intelligence intensive - designed to help you break through emotional barriers to your next level of success and satisfaction in life
Watch for Patricia's forthcoming book series "Everyday EQ" - tips for emotional intelligence in business, personal relationships, social networking, etc.
Patricia is featured at ExpertVillage in a nine part video series on Anger Management
Wisconsin Business Owners interview of Patricia - her life story - look for Episode 8
I love working with emotional intelligence (EQ) because everyone I have ever met can improve their interpersonal skills - in business, at home, with friends. I watch lives transform when people become more aware of their emotions and freer with their emotions (in safe and healthy ways). If you have a question about EQ, I'm the person to ask!
Visit our webpage at for more information on all of our offerings.
Get articles, mp3 interviews and more at my speaking page:
Patricia Clason
Center for Creative Learning
2437 N Booth St
Milwaukee, WI 53212