Dr. Pamela Avery is a board-certified anesthesiologistwith extra credentials in pain managmentand integrative therapies. She integrates nutrition, mind body medicine, acupuncture and nutritional supplementationinto her practice of medicine.
Dr. Avery has written numerous articleson pain, pain management and pain relief in addition to health and wellness. She has recently authored a complete lifestyle systemfor people who suffer with chronic pain. Entitled "Live Pain Free! 6 Steps to a Pain Free Life",it explains the role of genetics, nutrition, supplementation, stress reduction, exercise and restorative sleep in creating optimal healthwhile decreasing chronic pain.
Dr. Avery publishes a weekly E-zine "Natural Solutions". It is designed to bring the latest information to consumers about natural solutions to common health issues, such as chronic pain, weight management and nutritional supplementation. She has expertise in managing conditions such as migraine headaches, arthritis, fibromyalgia, irritable bowel syndrome, autoimmune disorders and many more.
Dr. Avery received her medical training at the University of Oklahoma College of Medicine. After graduating with honors in 1977, she trained in the specialty of anesthesiology, the medical discipline devoted to treating acute as well as chronic pain and illness. She was chief resident at the University of Wisconsin anesthesia program and then stayed on staff as an associate professor, working in their Pain Clinic. She has spent well over 25 years in the private practice of anesthesia, including 10 years devoted to the treatment of chronic and cancer pain. She completed the medical acupuncture program offered through UCLA in 1998 and then gained certification in mind body medicine after studying with Dr. Jame Gordon, Chairman of the White House Commission on Complementary and Alternative Medicine. She also is a cancer guide, helping people integrate nutrition, nutraceuticals and complementary therapies into their cancer care.
While Dr. Avery is unable to personally render medical advice to individuals via email, she is open to receiving questions and inquiries at thenaturalmd@the-natural-md.com .
Nobody cares how much you know, until they know how much you care. – Theodore Roosevelt, 1858-1919, 26th President of the United States
We respect your privacy and will never give away any of your information. While Dr. Avery cannot answer specific medical questions, she is willing to respond to email questions and inquiries at thenaturalmd@the-natural-md.com.