My own experience of winning the battle against depression (many years ago) very soon made me realise that I have a special talent for tuning into people who are depressed and being able to truly empathize with them. Having such a deep and personal understanding of depression puts me in the unique position of often being able to intuitively and accurately "intuit" or guess their feelings. I've found that clients appreciate this as they have reported that it has made me very approachable and their sessions much easier and more comfortable. I specialize in helping people find the root cause of their depression and use EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) to treat it.
EFT is a wonderful substitute for antidepressants when treating depression. It provides relief and has no side effects.
Depression will affect 1 in 10 people at some point in their lives, but many people still know very little about it. Depression is caused by an imbalance in the chemicals of the brain. These chemicals can be affected by external elements such as traumatic experiences and internal elements such as thoughts and beliefs. The brain also works on two levels, the conscious brain, with which we think and plan our day, and our subconscious brain which is what controls our moods. For example, when you were young someone may have told you that you were useless, the subconscious filed this. If this message is repeated you will grow up thinking that you’re useless and not understand why.
Repeated negative thoughts like this over time can lead to depression.
Each case of depression is unique, but all have a root cause and various contributing factors. Once these factors are found and treated with EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) the depression will lift.
For more information, please contact:
Moira (Mo) McFadyen AAMET-ADV, Dip-Couns, SAC Dip, EFT-Cert-1
Phone: 00 44 (0)792 216 9415
Web Site: