Crafty Listening workshops, events, seminars, articles, group facilitation, mediation, coaching and more.
C.R.A.F.T.Y: Curiosity Responsiveness Assertiveness Focus Thoughtfulness Yes!( A positive attitude )
Fellow of the Association for Professional Hypnosis and Psychotherapy. Workshops for Adoptive Parents and Foster Carers. Training for Adoption and Fostering Professionals. Training for people who work with adolescents. Personal Development workshops.
Forgiveness : giving up hoping for a better past!
Choosing not
to forgive is like drinking poison hoping someone else will die.
Loveis a verb.
The only meaning anything has is the meaning we give it.
Work on the assumption that you contribute 50% to all your interpersonal problems.
Visit Crafty Listening and contact me if there's anything you'd like to explore further.