People often ask me how I came to be where I am now, wherever that may be. <smile> The simple answer is that I have learned how to take the apparent lemons in life and turn them into delicious lemonade. I've learned that there are no mistakes in life, only opportunities for growth.
There are some spiritual paths, I have heard, that involve what might be called "initiations". These "tests" are believed to create character and bring the disciple closer to enlightenment. These "Rites of Passage" are deliberately painful and taxing to the body, mind and soul.They are intentional and do produce powerful results.
I have come to understand my childhood in these terms. In all my years of working as a therapist, I came across very few clients with a childhood history as filled with terror as mine has been.
I know the meaning of severe depression, unbelievable trauma, torture and even death. During my years of depression I would cry and ask God, " What is this all about? " The answer became clear. " You will have answers for people on so many levels, because you will have been there. " I am happy to say, I have been through the tunnel and out the other side and I know the way, in fact I now know some really great short cuts!
At times as a child, my inner world, known to some as imagination but to me quite real, is what kept me alive. I would experience Jesus holding my hand as I showed him all of the houses I had lived in. By the time I had showed him all of them, the particular torture or abuse would seem far away. I also learned to see with my internal eyes because my physical eyes couldn't see. I needed to know where my father was, he was dangerous. I had to keep up with him so he wouldn't sneak up on me. I never imagined how powerful these lessons were at the time. They were survival techniques. Now these skills have become powerful healing techniques for my clients.
Finally, I grew up and left home. I married way too young and for all the wrong reasons. I was incredibly depressed and wanted to be dead more times than I wanted to live. I thought having kids would make me feel loved. I had four beautiful kids. Their presence triggered my own childhood abuse, and I had no way to know how to love them or nurture them.
I was determined to break the pattern of abuse. I went into therapy and into college to become a therapist all at the same time. I would often laugh to myself as I wondered if I would ever be healthy enough to offer healing to others.
The day finally came when I finished school with a Masters in Social Work and a Doctor of Clinical Hypnotherapy. I finished my own personal therapy all about the same time. I went to work for an agency and had a private practice on the side. I knew I was good at my work. I knew I was healthier than many therapists even then. I knew I felt frustrated at how long the process took, not only with my own healing, but the healing of my clients.
In the meantime I had outgrown the father of my kids, we divorced. I continued to grow and heal myself. I learned more and more about spirituality and dared to wonder about such things as angels, guides, Tarot cards, meditation and the like. I had evolved in my spiritual growth from the fundamental Christian church I had grown up in, to the spirit filled churches, then to eastern religions and on into the New Age movement.
As I grew in all these areas I began to understand that the line between therapy and spirituality was almost invisible, except that the mental health profession didn't agree with me.
I had worked many years to become a licensed therapist. Now, it seemed more of a curse than a gift. The licensing board and many other therapists were so strict on even discussing spiritual issues with clients that I felt stifled and blocked. I finally let my hard-earned licenses fall away. If I had learned nothing else along my path I knew that if I ignored my heart, I would be miserable.
I then met Vianna and attended her DNA workshops and Theta Healing certification trainings. I now have more answers to help my clients than ever before. I can work over the phone, so I'm no longer limited to only those who can be with me in person. I'm honored that you have chosen to spend your time here with me and I hope we get to speak and connect whenever that makes sense to you. May you find deep joy and peace in your life.
You have probably never experienced anything like this before. I deeply understand how scary it can be to make that first appointment. So, let me tell you a little about me.
I know how to create emotional safety. I am warm, friendly, compassionate, gentle and I even know how to have fun in the midst of very deep and effective work. Working with people and making a difference in their lives is my passion, my path, my soul's desire. You can feel it right through the ethers, even here as you are visiting my website. <warm smile>
Though I do have many psychic gifts, I will refuse to take your power, as so many want to give me, as though I am somehow more than they are. I believe with all of my being that you are just as precious and deserving of loving and being loved in this life as I am. I encourage you to take your power in your life, and in your sessions with me.
You don't need to figure out which session you want to have, these are simply ways to describe the various types of sessions. Some sessions end up being a little of each of these.
Past Life Integrations (Not Available by Email)
Most sessions last an hour, and if scheduled, can go longer. Some people find they prefer 90- minute or two-hour sessions. Once you become familiar with the work you may be able to do so much on your own that you can work in 30-minute sessions.
Many times sessions will be a combination of some or all of the types of services described on this site, and more. The fees are the same, (based on time) so it doesn't really matter what kind of session you are having. We divide them simply as a way of explaining things more easily.
I use a combination of several elements to my work as a Spiritual Healing Facilitator. The foundation of what I do is basic psychotherapy, Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) and Clinical Hypnotherapy I worked for about a decade in mental health with all sorts of clients as couples and as individuals. Their issues ranged from depression and anxiety as a result of trauma, to low self esteem and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.
As I practiced as a psychotherapist I became aware of times when I didn't understand, in my educated mind, what was happening in a session or what to do next. Yet what happened next would be the turning point for my client. I learned to trust my intuition.
As my intuition grew I realized I was actually, internally, hearing a voice or seeing pictures. Even though I didn't know what was happening, I knew it was profound and I felt peaceful and right about these experiences.
As I came to the understanding that I was having empathic, (feeling the emotions of others) clairvoyant and clairaudient experiences, I knew there must be even more I needed to learn. I read books about communicating with the Angels, clearing auras and Chakras and using the Tarot Cards.
I had a few people in my life who spent hours coaching me in how to channel various energies and in spiritual protection. They read books and more books to me on countless topics in these areas.
Then I discovered Theta Healing which gave me a structure into which I could streamline my experiences. I knew then that Theta Healing was the culmination of the pieces I had been stumbling onto for years.
My DNA was activated during my first DNA Workshop and from then on my psychic abilities really kicked into gear! Now, I learn new things every day from my clients and from Creator/God while in Theta.
When it comes to people, relationships and situations, my accuracy is amazing, even to me. <blush> Describing my work, also known as Marlana's Method is quite a mouthful. It is still evolving and due to its nature will continue to expand.
In a nutshell, Marlana's Method is my own unique blend of old and new techniques sprinkled with gentleness, respect and most of all Love.
The quickest way to learn more about Marlana and her services is by visiting her website at .