Margo, an entrepreneur, is a spiritual teacher, focuses on coaching in conscious evoluiton, author, speaker and artist, has lived, studied and worked in the Middle East,Europe and the United States. She is an avid believer in continued self-transformation and the refinement of the Self. The metaphysical world, spirituality and inner work has always been a very real, natural and integral part of her life. Her origin is both Syrian and Indian. Margo was born in Baghdad, grew up in Iraq, Syria and India with liberal Chritian parents and was since her childhood exposed to various religions and cultures. Her life in the west began at the age of twenty, in the UK and then moved on to Switzerland and the United States.
After earning various degrees in management and leadership while pursuing a career in international business for 25 years, she decided to follow her soul path. She completed her BSc., MSc.and Ph.D. in the philosophy of Metaphysics and for the past two decades Margo has been counselor, coach, lecturer and spiritual healer. Her healing method is based on a combination of eastern ancient wisdom and western psychology, with a focus on emotional, mental and soul healing. Margo believes that it is imperative that we develop our 6th and 7th spiritual senses, the intuition and the higher abstract mind to deal with the new dimensions opening to us in the new century.
Margo, a futurist, visionary, coaches individuals in the art of living a joyful life in spite of the chaos surrounding us . Her goal is to empower people for life in the new world of the twenty first century. Her strength lies in her ability to translate complex ancient esoteric knowledge into powerful modern tools for self-transformation. She believes in the unity of head and heart, and is convinced that love is the fuel of life that unites one and all.
You can learn much more about Margo, her thoughts and work by visiting her websites <> <>and <>
Margo is available to speak worldwide on the themes mentioned on her websites. Margo who is mother to three daughters and grandmother to two grandsons lives and works in Vevey on the lake of Geneva, in Switzerland.
Anyone interested in spiritual growth can contact me by phone or email. I can guide you through a program created uniquely for you, suitable for you personally, taking you from wherever you are, to wherever you want to go at your own pace.
Genuine happiness and inner peace can only come through inner work when the soul is allowed to shine through in all its glory. No true long lasting happiness can be achieved through satisfying ego ridden desires and outside trappings, no matter how expensive or attractive, noting shines through as radiantly as genuine inner spiritual work. Health and wealth can be achieved easily when one understands the spiritual laws given to us as keys to the secrets of life. My book Cosmic and Universal Laws lists and explains in detail 269 spiritual laws. These laws are scattered in hundreds of books and scriptures, they have been given to us as guidelines to follow to achieve a peaceful and joyful life. Over forty years of reading, researching and studying have gone into collecting these spiritual laws that I have now listed and explained in this one book.
A Sufi Master once said: There are three forms of culture: worldly culture, which is the mere acquisition of information religious culture, that of following rules, and then there is the elite culture, the culture of self development.
Buddha said: No gain comes unless effort is made
Buddha also said: Everything arises and passes away. When you see this, you are above sorrow . This is the shining way.
Heaven meets earth in the human who is both physical and divine. MK
Spiritual laws govern our inner and outer universes and the real purpose of this life is to learn the spiritual laws so that we become masters in our own right. MK
I guess the best way is to visit and read my websites <><> and also when you'd done that you've pretty much got everything about me, my work and my passion. However, there's still a lot more, if you read my blog <> and <> my background is complex so it figures that I am a complex person. YET very simple in all this complexity. Exactly the same as the spiritual world! Complex and yet Simple!
Feel free to contact me any time.
Margo Kirtikar Ph.D.
Rue de la Madeleine 5
1800 Vevey
Tel. ++41 79 438 5192