Ellen Gerst approaches all of her writing projects and coaching sessions from a "been there/done that" perspective.
Widowed at age 39, with two young sons to raise, she not only "recovered" from this devastating blow but thrived as she used it as a platform of self-discovery and transformation.
She is the author of Suddenly Single: How To Find Renewal After Loss and 101 Tips and Thoughts for Coping with Grief , which are both easy-to-read compendiums of practical, spiritual, physical and emotional tips on moving successfully through the grief journey towards renewal. For more tips on coping with loss, join her on Pinterest .
After working on her grief for many years, Ellen decided that it was time to start living and find another partner with whom to share her life. Based on a successful twenty-five year relationship, she knew how to have one - she just wasn't quite sure how to find one! Love After Loss: Writing the Rest of Your Story follows her journey as she, first, found herself and then went in search for "another." Love After Loss includes tips on how to get to know your "new single self"; safely and successfully Internet date; and how to turn a date into a successful relationship. To further help those who are looking for love, she has written If You Want To Be Terrific, You Need To Be Specific! which is a book in three volumes and contains 135 specific actions one can take to heal the heart, find success in dating and ensure a healthy and long-lasting relationship.
Ellen has also penned books on spirituality, caregiving for aging parents (especially those with Alzheimer's), and the power of positive thought. You can find her books on Amazon and Barnes and Noble .
Join me on Facebook on the following two pages.
Tips and Thoughts on Love, Dating and Relationships
Tips and Thoughts on Coping with Grief
Visit my newest product site, Lighten Up and Smile . Wearing Hair Shimmers can help you practice your social skills and easily connect with others.
Learn 33 ways to smile and lighten up your day with the purchase of my book via Amazon, Lighten Up and Smile: The Power of Smiling and Positive Thought. http://www.amazon.com/Lighten-Up-Smile-Positive-ebook/dp/B0080RKDQQ
"When love and skill work together, expect a masterpiece." -John Ruskin
"Write it on your heart that every day is the best day of the year." -- R.W. Emerson
"Love is friendship set on fire." -- Anonymous
"Love stretches your heart and makes you big inside." -- Margaret Walke
"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy." M.L. King
To get started with Ellen Gerst, visit her website at http://www.LNGerst.com .
Contact Ellen Gerst through her website .
You may email her at LNGerst@LNGerst.com
Join her on Pinterest for tips on coping with grief, caregiving for aging parents and love/dating/relationships.