The author of the The Work Zone™, a "way of being" that creates an experiential field of study for leadership, productivity, accomplishment and communication. Distinct from the kind of study that explains in order to understand, the Work Zone™ is designed to leave participants living inside of and being empowered by the abstractions: leadership, productivity, accomplishment and communication." (© 2009 Kyle Winn)
With over 30 years of Transformational education, designed and delivered cultural shifting services to over 300 companies and delivered work in Japan, Australia, Russia, Europe, Canada and throughout the United States. As co-founder of Transformational Technologies, introduced "breakthrough" distinctions such as "coaching" and "possibility" into the culture of management.
Currently, Chief Navigator of Spiral !mpact Productions, Inc.
VISION: To model, reflect and broadcast the harmony of humanity in cooperation with all living beings. The mission of the enterprise is to cultivate and direct sustainable methods which empower individuals and communities to thrive in this era of global transformation. Our objective is to facilitate an on-line “buzz” that draws 50+ million loyal co-creators by 12/20/2012.
As a designer of 12.20.2012...
Simply speaking, the design and production of the business of ful?lling prophecy was not possible prior to the internet. The business form is an online broadcast system. The production requires the discipline of deep stillness. From stillness and allowing, an authentic design emerges. Touched, moved and inspired ensembles then coordinate the action.
"Birth was terminal!"
"Fear is finally bankrupt."
"Fear is the "witch" of the millennium."
"When the youngest of the Boom
are the oldest in the room... 1000 years of peace will ensue."
Distinguishing ConversationsOnce a person can step back and listen to the chatter that is constantly occurring within their heads, it becomes possible to consider existing “outside of” and “beyond’ that chatter. You become aware that this chatter is with you as you lie down to sleep and there when you awaken, providing a narrative of everything including oneself.
TransformationPeace is the experience of “being still”. Being still means being calm, balanced, at-ease and in harmony with one’s self, the physical universe and all living beings and things. Maintaining this stillness is the path to peace. Committed curiosity about this stillness is all that is required to begin one’s inward journey toward peace. When one is still, fears disappear. The courage to be vulnerable is recovered. Acceptance of facts, odds, history and ‘how life really is’ replace these fears and judgments. Connection and being “one-with” become the natural state of existence immediately taking over one’s experience. Primitive and fundamental habit-patterns are altered, shifting attention from reliving incidents from the past to healing them. The moment 50+ million people choose to sustain their existence within this stillness, 1000 years of peace will ensue. To that end, or beginning of a new realm of peace for humanity let us dedicate our moment-to-moment experience of living.
If you’ve read this far, please consider the following as a divinely inspired invitation. R. Buckminster Fuller put it best when he said: “I’m not trying to counsel any of you to do anything really special except dare to think, and to go with the truth, and dare to really love completely.”
We engage beyond fear from the future. “Alone” is no longer a valid reason or excuse for not fully expressing the “heart’s” desire. A custom empowerment ensemble, designed to engage your vision, provides a 4 phase approach: coaching, direction, production, business development. Engagement allows and requires your life and business to realize bene?ts in profound and pro?table ways.
Thank you for your commitment & congratulations on choosing yourself.
Peacefully yours,