Kurt Hagemeister is owner and founder of NaturalCardioHealth.com, a blog dedicated to educating people about achieving greater cardiovascular health using natural methods. He is an advocate of using ALL 4 of the main path to optimal health:
1. Eating a healthy diet of whole, organic, and low-glycemic foods.
2. Taking a broad spectrum of nutritional supplementation
3. A consistent exercise program including both cardiovascular and reisistance training.
4. Stress reduction and other mind/body techniques.
Mr. Hagemeister is also owner of Trillium Nutritionals ( www.trilliumnutritionals.com ), a company producing natural supplements for optimal heart health.
He has over 5 years experience in the nutritional business and is a Certified Team Leader in the Healthy For Life Program. Kurt Hagemeister holds bachelors in engineering and MBA degrees from the University of Michigan.
Too much of today's health care services are devoted to sickness and keeping us alive, rather than prevention and wellness. The estimates I've seen are 97% of health care dollars go to treating conditions and illnesses already existing. In order for society to move forward in the area of health care, it's essential that all of us change our philosophy about staying healthy.
The mindset of medical care in the past has been to use drugs to solve problems as they come up, rather than long-term prevention. Drugs can be wonderful, life-saving products, but they are NO long term solution to improving your health. Plus, sadly, in too many cases, they produce side effects that can even cause deaths. Most people don't know that the 4th leading cause of death in the U.S. is adverse reactions from both properly administered and improperly administered prescription drugs. That's over 100,000 fatalities each year.
Our bodies can heal themselves to a degree that modern science can't even comprehend yet. The key is to use nature while working WITH the wonderful body God gave us - not against it. If anyone is looking for THE key to long-term health, here it is:
1. Eating a healthy diet consisting of whole foods, lots of organic fruits & vegetables, healthy fats and carbohydrates and NOT processed foods and foods loaded with unhealthy fats.
2. Consistently take advanced nutritional supplements consisting of powerful antioxidants, minerals, vitamins at levels that create optimal health.
3. Exercise at least 4-5 times per week.
4. Keeping stress minimized, relaxation, and proper sleep.
That's it folks. Those are the basics. People are always looking for THE magic pill. And the pharmaceutical companies prey on this illusion. The magic pill doesn't exist and won't any time soon. Only when you embrace all 4 of the habits above will you attain the health you're looking for. Not 1 or 2. That will get you some results, but not get you where you need to go.
I can provide a piece of the health solution to you. Just visit my blog www.NaturalCardioHealth.com and my product site, www.ReduceCholesterolSafely.com . Thanks!
I have several websites to go to, to learn more about natural heart health. First, my blog, www.NaturalCardioHealth.com is loaded with great articles and information about natural heart health. Then, my website www.TrilliumNutritionals.com tells about what my company is about and my main product, Cholestatrim. Finally, you can go to www.ReduceCholesterolSafely.com to find out about how Cholestatrim can make a huge difference in your health. You can order there, and download a life-changing free report on how to protect yourself from the 3 Silent Heart Killers.
If you have a health-related business or have customers/clients that care about their heart health, we have affiliate and wholesale programs. You can learn about them at www.ReduceCholesterolSafely.com .
Drop me a note anytime with your questions about heart health.