After being diagnosed with post traumatic stress disorder, depression and an unusual eating disorder Kathleen Howe began to research the facts concerning recovery from mental illnesses, dysfunctional relationships and poor maintenance of important lifestyle factors. With a family history of mental illness, domestic violence and abuse Kathleen began to detail every important point of discovery throughout her journey in a network of websites that are all tied together for a thorough understanding of the mind/body connection.
Physical and mental illnesses, life skills, religion, eating and sleep disorders, lifestyle changes, abuse information, children, teens, parenting, emotions and feelings work are all linked through an underlined link word technique with 28+ websites. Featuring articles and information from experts and those with experience in all topics, Kathleen is presently in the process of adding her own writings to each and every page throughout the network.
With seven years of thorough and complete research and study of these topics, each website is updated continually to feature the most up to date information for her readers. There is no profit from these sites at all - with Kathleen's main objective being "helping others through helping yourself" combined with her motto of: education - understanding - taking action for change - expounded on throughout the network- she submits volunteering, becoming aware of changing over to live greenly and teaching what we learn to our children, grandchildren, spouses and friends to be the keys to well being.
Currently authoring a book containing my personal experiences with mental illnesses and life dysfunctions as well as a fictional novel. Have written some children's books and await my artist to complete illustrations involved.
New venture of an online magazine in the works. You may receive in invitation to write for the first few issues that will be free to try until the magazine gains some momentum then there will be a monthly or yearly subscription rate. This online magazine will cover a vast number of topics - mostly those that are covered within my network of free sites: the emotional feelings network of sites.
Please stop by and read my personal blog:
You can read more about my thoughts on health and wellbeing by reading my column as the Health and Happiness Examiner on!
I once offered the opportunities for a mental health support group, an abuse support group, and an emotional feelings support group site through Yahoo Groups. The demand was minimal for it so I removed the opportunity.
I do sponsor through Yahoo Groups a night eating syndrome support group at Yahoo Groups titled: night eating 101.
“Always do what you are afraid to do.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson
You can access the emotional feelings network of sites by clicking any of the following links:
1. emotional feelings : the homepage for the entire network although each individual website details the important beginning descriptions of the concepts that Kathleen believes essential in motivating individuals to begin to educate themselves until understanding is achieved and then once understanding is achieved - the power to take action to make changes!
emotional feelings also details pages that feature emotions and feelings beginning with the letter "A" such as: abandonment, abused, acceptance, absorbed, accountable, admired, etc.
2. more emotional feelings : a NEW site as many of the free sites utilized in the network only allow a minimum of free space - a new site opens upon the need for additional information to be added to the topic!
more emotional feelings features some additional information for the emotions and feelings that begin with the letter "A" just as in the emotional feelings site, but adds additional emotions and feelings to the mix to make your stop to this site well worth your valuable time and efforts.
3. emotional feelings, 2 : emotional feelings, 2 once featured the emotions and feelings beginning with the letters "B-C-D" but quickly changed over to only featuring the letter "C" emotions and feelings.
4. emotional feelings, 3 : emotional feelings, 3 took over with the emotions and feelings beginning with the letter "B" after the split of site 2
5. emotional feelings, 4 : emotional feelings, 4 took the emotions and feelings beginning with the letter "D" because of the demand of those particular emotions & feelings
6. feeling emotional : feeling emotional split as well - once taking the emotions and feelings beginning with the last half of the alphabet, it was forced to split things up when the demand became apparent. This site now houses the emotions and feelings beginning with the letters "O-P-Q-R"
7. feeling emotional, too : feeling emotional, too - a very important site to consider visiting features emotions and feelings beginning with the letters "E & F". This site has the all important responsibility of featuring "fear" which takes 3 pages within the site.
8. feeling emotional, 3 : feeling emotional, 3 reveals an enormous amount of important information concerning emotions and feelings beginning with the letters "J-K-L-M-N". An additional site feeling emotional 3b will be ready soon to open with even more info.
9. feeling emotional, 4 : feeling emotional, 4 easily went over its size limit because it features emotions and feelings beginning with the letters "G-H-I". There is an additional site featuring those same emotions and feelings with a few additional emotions and feelings added. While it is available to view - it isn't yet completed due to complications with another site having to be rebuilt because of Tripod's unfortunate mistake deleting a site.
10. feel emotionally more : This site contains the additional information from the emotional feelings, 4 site!
11. feeling emotional, 5 : This site was fast to put together when Tripod mistakedly deleted my extremely emotional site a few months ago. This site features emotions and feelings beginning with the letters "S-T-V & W". While it is available to view - all the emotions and feelings pages haven't been completed or relinked throughout the network.
12. your unemotional side : your unemotional side was created to entertain the emotions and feelings beginning with the prefix "un". In a creative move - your unemotional side was so popular that it had to be recently split into two sites dividing the alphabet with the break being at letters "A thru L" at this site...
13. your unemotional side, 2 : and "M" through the end of the alphabet at this site!
14. the self pages : Discovering the importance of recognizing "the self," once these emotion and feelings words such as self acceptance, self love, and so on were featured with the other emotions and feelings at extremely emotional which no longer exists. With enough information to feature these important pages within their own site - the self pages includes a wide variety of "self" words throughout.
15. the layer down under : after a few years of research and study there were additional topics that needed to be considered. The time came when emotion and feelings work began to reveal the layers of trauma, pain, unresolved issues, etc. that had to be looked at. Once one layer was peeled back through using these tools, another layer to be resolved would emerge. Thus the concept of "the layer down under." This site's topics include attitude, mindfulness, living in the present moment, risks, listening skills, thought processes, belief system, etc. It's some great information vital for understanding.
16. the layer down under that : another site featuring additional information that is needed in understanding what is needed for healthy relationships and other topics.
17. more layers down under : again, peeling back layers of pain and hurt - this site is an overflow site for the layer down under with additional topics such as "resistance."
18. anxieties 101 : the original site was started six years ago as "anxiety understanding." This site has kept the original intent of offering as much information as possible in one site for those who are experiencing the symptoms of mental illness to learn more about their illness, what the illness means for their gender and age, what lifestyle factors affect mental illness and information about how the brain works.
19. anxieties 102 : This site is an additional information source for the above anxieties 101.
20. abuse 101 : anxiety understanding, the original site, had a spot for abuse and domestic violence. Once this topic's information took up too much space it was crucial to design a site just for abuse and domestic violence. Recently I wrote to the author of many of the articles contained within the site, Sam Vakin, who is also a member of Self Growth's Experts - to thank him for helping me so much with my own issues concerning abuse and domestic violence. He replied and now includes links to my network of sites throughout his network.
It is my fervent belief that victims of abuse can't free themselves of being a "victim" without understanding that they may very well have a mental illness such as,
generalized or social anxiety disorder
panic disorder
obsessive compulsive disorder
and most likely - post traumatic stress disorder or acute stress disorder
I have worked with some domestic violence advocates to reinforce my belief that unless domestic violence shelters begin to recognize the need for mental health assessments within their orientation techniques - for both the woman and their children - the statistics that they hold to be true of a woman leaves her abuser 7 times before she can successfully leave him for good - will only escalate further.
It is also a goal of mine to educate shelter administrators that a transitional housing network is needed so that the victim can re-establish her life and receive training for life skills which are needed for her to begin to live a healthy and productive life. I've participated in several very good programs myself, which once fine tuned could be the hope of the future for those affected by abuse and domestic violence.
21. children 101 : this site stresses the importance of parents educating themselves in mental illness and children as well as a vast array of topics that affect our children. Divorce, death, lifestyle factors, and more.
22. teenscene : teenscene began as a help for both teen boys and girls with individually prepared pages for each gender in explaining the importance of healthy lifestyle factors such as diet, exercise, relaxation, sleep, counseling and medications. A brief overall description of mental illnesses and other important factors such as emotions, feelings, education, peer pressure, abortion, birth control, relationships, communication skills, running away and more.
After hearing from the teens themselves I began to split up the genders with their own sites which is still a work in progress. The boy's information remains at teenscene while the girls information is presently being moved to the newer site below!
23. angels and princesses : a site primarily for teenage girls
24. changes : changes that need to be made in lifestyle to lead to better overall health and well being both mental and physical...
25. changes 2 : additional information from changes...
26. different religions : Not long ago it came to a point in my own personal growth recovery journey to take religion into consideration. Many of the dysfunctional decisions I made came from a past wrought with different religions, spiritual abuse and my parents' belief system that I still held onto concerning religion. I had to re-examine my beliefs with religion and spirituality as I'm sure - you understand the importance of it in your life.
27. parental alienation : Parental alienation was the cause of a very traumatic time in my life. This site educates the visitor about parental alienation and recalls my experiences. I've had this site for six years and have recently begun to REVAMP it.
28. physical you 101 : This site is a work in progress as it is newer and will establish the mind/body connection so as to have a complete understanding in how physical and mental health interact with each other.
29 life skills 101 : As a victim of domestic violence and abuse I know the importance of learning independent life skills. This site - very new and very little information is still a work in progress, but it has huge potential.
30: night eating : night eating comes from a need I had to discover what my eating disorder was all about. No one had heard of night eating including my counselor and my doctor. Dr. Albert Stunkard from the University of Pennsylvania studied night eating syndrome since 1957, coincidentally the year I was born! He runs and eating disorder clinic at the University of Pennsylvania and has done many studies on the disorder. He and his group, who have contacted me personally and have commended me on the site - have asked me to help spread the word concerning the need to educate the medical and mental health professional communities about this disorder.
Stuck between a sleep disorder and an eating disorder, this problem traumatizes the victims because more than 2/3 of their caloric intake happens throughout the sleeping hours causing sleep deprivation, enormous weight gain and a link to other physical illnesses such as diabetes type 2, fibromyalgia, and other blood sugar disorders.
Those experiencing night eating syndrome often experience restless legs syndrome, insomnia and other sleep disorders. They can't seem to complete the REM cycle of sleep because their circadian ryhthms are so out of whack and their wakefulness cycles interrupt sleep so often with trips to the kitchen to binge on white sugar/white flour carbs.
I was able to successfully control my night eating disorder through my personal growth recovery journey and have designed a mechanism which I hope to patent and test soon that helps the night eater to stay in bed, thus interrupting the habit of getting immediately out of bed to eat.
31: nurturing 101 : get familiar with a very important topic!
32: coming soon: emotionally feelings teens!
33: coming soon: parenting teens!
34: coming soon: getting your needs met!
35: coming soon: young adults 101!