I focus on self empowerment, personal achievement, sports performance and career advancement because I've experienced personal success in these areas. I know you have the power within you to attain your greatest goals and that you can accomplish anything you set out to achieve. The techniques I use will help you discover and release these empowering strengths and abilities. I've seen success time and again even from the most extreme skeptics.
I've used the techniques for years. In my early twenties, I landed a dream job in the wholesale skiwear industry (I'm an avid skier). It was at this job that I began using affirmations and visualization, ultimately managing a department that generated over $3 million in sales. Twelve years of experience there gave me the knowledge I needed to start my own company, another goal I'd envisioned long before I was able to make it happen. Five successful years later, I decided to go after a dream of becoming a published author.
I sold the company I'd started ( www.alpinespirit.com ) to write. I'd already been writing a book about goal setting in my spare time, so I used a few of those techniques to help create the courage to go forward. While researching the chapter on hypnosis for the book, I became captivated with the power of the subconscious and I decided to become a certified hypnotherapist. The class would take 6 months to complete, so I needed something else to write while I took the class.
Once again, I used a collection of goal-setting techniques to open myself to all possibilities. Shortly after I began, a series of events prompted the idea for a book about dark chocolate, and I took action. The Chocolate Therapist: A User's Guide to the Extraordinary Health Benefits of Chocolate was the outcome of this endeavor www.thechocolatetherapist.com , a book that has since become an international seller, allowed me to travel the world to teach people about chocolate and landed me on the cover of a magazine.
For those who have limited resources or time, I’ve developed downloadable e-scripts that allow you to work on your goals and objectives on your time table. Each script teaches you how to use self hypnosis to achieve any goal you wish. At the end of each script, you’ll find a series of simple steps to help keep you focused on your chosen direction during the regular day.
Hypnotherapy is finally becoming recognized as a powerful, effective and safe tool for generating major, permanent life changes. I've used the techniques for years and have now use them successfully on my clients for years as well. Our thoughts are the tip of the what truly lies beneath--we're really operating off past programs from the greater self, or our subconscious. I help people learn how tap into this power and train it to work for them continuously, whether they're aware of it or not. After the session, I provide clients with scripts they can review at night as well as a set of 5 simple steps to integrate into their every day life. SIMPLE steps--not a 200 page book of things to do tomorrow.
Contact me through my website at www.GoalFocusedTherapy.com or julie@goalfocusedtherapy.com . You can either schedule an appointment, download scripts and try a little self-work or link to one of the sites I recommend for purchasing downloadable MP3 scripts.