Judith Gilchrist is a Joint Venture Specialist, helping companies and individuals increase their sales, databases and connections via various joint venture partnerships online. She is always happy to assist you in exposing your product and/or services to a larger audience through relationship-building, resource-sharing and database-leveraging with other entrepreneurs.
As CEO and President of Purposeful Life – the parent company of Joint Venture Specialist Online – Judith has brought together many collaborative partners, and has helped to promote and share important messages, products, and services.
She currently works with a variety of clients and organizations, including Taz Solutions , Hilton Johnson Productions Inc. , Instant Media Kit and Matthew Ferry ’s Inspired Action Weekly, to name a few. These organizations offer unique opportunities to expand your business from online marketing and networking to e-learning and life coaching.
Judith is also a Health and Wellness Expert with extensive experience in the health industry. She first graduated as a Registered Nurse in 1980 and went onto work in clinical practice for 10 years as an Emergency Room nurse. In 1990, she shifted into Administration for retirement homes and long-term care centres, where she worked for the next 17 years in managing these facilities in accordance with government standards.
Furthermore, Judith includes College Nursing Instructor, Fire Fighter, Television Producer and Part-time TV Clown on a children’s show to her experiences. Her eclectic work resume reinforces the idea that a cross-pollination of difference disciplines is one of the best sources of creativity. Thus, Judith’s expertise in working with people of all interests and background is key to her success in creating viable Joint Ventures that result in mutual growth and gains.
Sometimes you just have to take your leap...and build your wings on your way down! - Komi Yamada
Everything you could ever want lies just outside your comfort zone. - Unknown
Pursue the challenges of living your life in a way that matters, do the things that you believe are important, take the stands you feel you have to take in order to be true to yourself. - Unknown
Judith Gilchrist is the CEO/President of Joint Venture Specialist Online. She currently manages joint ventures for Taz Solutions, Matthew Ferry International, Hilton Johnson Productions Inc., and various other clients.
She's available, free of charge, for a 30-minute consultation on joint venture. To book your appointment call 613-432-2991or e-mail her at judith@jvspecialistonline.com. She'd love to connect with you!
Ms. Gilchrist is also a Registered Nurse with over 30 years of experience in health care, from working in ER to corporate administration and management of long-term care facilities. She is currently a representative of Hilton Johnson Productions' Health Coach Training Program , which offers a comprehensive 12-month training program that combines the powerful skills of professional coaching with health training. Feel free to contact Judith regarding the program at 613-432-2991 or judith@healthcoachtraining.com.