Author of the books , “ Lessons in Love” and ”Immortal Now.” Creator and founder of “The Immortality Process.” John’s life mission is building mass awareness of our ability to live an immortal human life.
John has worked on “The Immortality Process” more than 40 years:It is his goal, life mission and personal desire. By a process of contemplation, meditation and specialized movement--John has pursued this human possibility with singular focus.
E ducation:B.A. in Psychology and a M.S. in Family Relations. A Sixth Generation Wu Dang Gate Qi Gong Master,John specializes in Medical Qi Gong and has studied over 14 years with a renowned Qi Gong Grandmaster and Traditional Chinese Physician from Beijing, China.
Work experience:vice-president of a home service corporation, development director of a medical non-profit, counselor to children and families and college instructor.
Today John worksas a Personal Development Expert where he writes, speaks and teaches about our ability to live a healthy, happy and immortal human life.
See John's writing at:
"The original design of our body and mind is one of immortality."
"Death is a habit that evolved over time as our bodies and minds were used in ways that did not favor life."
"We are perfect and immortal as we are, but we must recognize and activate this form: “The Immortality Process” makes this happen."
For more of John's thoughts see:
Begin your “Immortality Process” today, for Free…
My name is John F. Harrigan, Jr., M.S.
I am the author of the books “Lessons in Love” and “Immortal Now ,” and creator of “The Immortality Process .”
To begin your “Immortality Process” today, get the following Free Gifts now!
for Your Free E-Book, “Immortal Now”! (Worth $9.95)
for Your Free E-Course, “Introduction to Immortality”! (Worth $195)
CLICH HERE for Your Free Blog Updates! (Unlimited Value)
These Free Gifts and the book, “Lessons in Love,” will help you start your”Immortality Process ” today!
"L essons in Love”
is an essential companion book
to “Immortal Now.” The books work together in a synergistic manner: one book is for your head, the other is for your heart. Together the books create “union.” For best resutlts,read them at the same time!
Read free excerpts, and buy the book, “Lessons in Love,”
Best wishes and good luck!!!
“Our human bodies and mind are designed to live forever."
Death is a habit that evolved over time as we used our body and mind in ways that did not favor life.
We are perfect as we are, but we must recognize and activate this perfection: The Immortality Process makes this happen.
Using a slow and gentle approach of education, meditation and movement— The Immortality Process allows our body and mind to come alive in a functional manner, where we grow without death, suffering or disease.
I have consciously worked on immortality over 40 years:It is my goal, mission and life desire. By a process of meditation, education and movement; I have pursued this human possibility with singular focus.
Immortality is the end product of most historic wisdom pursuits from East to West. It is the logical consequence of pursuing knowledge. Immortality is the expression of a basic human ideal and living capability!
Immortality is a natural condition of mind and body we were born to live in this life-time. We do not have to become “super gurus,” “sages” or “saints” to realize immortality. Immortality, here and now, is our birthright and human design.
I write and speak in an inspirational manner to evoke, evolve and activate the immortal quality in YOU. Take the “First Step” now!
Read what I have written:
Begin with “Immortal Now,” the Free E-Book. Then purchase and read the book “Lessons in Love” at .
Read both books at the same time. The two books support each other in a synergistic manner: There is more power, ability and balance by reading both books at the same time.
Take the Free Internet Class: “ Introduction to the Immortality.”
This Free beginning class, normally $195, will progress you with your Immortality Education. “ The Immortality Process” is a body, spirit and mind endeavor… restoring you to your original and authentic human condition, immortality.
Read my two Free Blogs at, and The regular articles of the blogs will motivate you and guide you on your “Immortality Process.”
As You Take My Class...
You will also be shown Longevity Qi Gong, an ancient and stabilizing method of health enhancement and personal development.
As your Immortality Class continues—with education, meditation and movement--you will progress toward perfect health and immortal awareness. You will move toward your own “Immortal Presence,” the original state of human body and mind.
Sign up now for your Fr
ee Class
, Free Book
and Free Blog Updates
!And buy the book Lessons in Love
today !