John Baldasare holds a Master's degree in Counseling and a Bachelor's degree in Sociology, both from Wright State University in Dayton, Ohio. He has worked as a therapist, educator, and director in addiction treatment programs since 1973 and was the Executive Director of the renowned Sierra Tucson in Arizona in the early 1990's, as well as the Director and CEO at facilities in Ohio and Virginia. John has spoken at national forums and is a published author. He currently works as an independent consultant to treatment programs and provides training and seminars. John has created an innovative, effective, and memorable recovery model, entitled SluggersPath, which is outlined on his website ( ). He is available for online contact and inquiries.
SLUGS.....not drugs
Be a Slugger...not a drugger
Sobriety, Love, Unity, Growth, and Spirituality are the essential elements of full recovery from any addiction. It is how and why addiction treatment works.
Anyone can recover from any addiction any time these five values and commitments are embraced and practiced.