Seducing women was always something I was constantly looking to improve
upon. I scoured the Internet for tips to approach a woman and seductiontechniques and now I'm going to share everything I've learned on how to
get a girl with this website!
Please allow me to talk a little bit about myself and why you absolutelymust follow my advice if you are looking to succeed with women.
I grew up in a very strict home. My father was a sergeant in the militaryand my mother, well, was a mother.
Early in my childhood I remember both of my parents sitting down and
talking to me about all kinds of stuff. Mainly things that would make me
a better person and eventually, a respectable man.
Their intentions were noble, wanting only for their son to grow up happy
and well learned. Unfortunately, they made some crucial errors that haunted
my development with women for years to come.
When I was a teenager, just starting to experience those awkward feelings
that a young man has while going through puberty, their focus shifted to
my sexual education. And by "sexual education", I do mean "sexual abstinence."
My parents were masters of psychological conditioning. They new the importance
of associating a lot of pain to the really bad things like stealing, lying,
and bad habits like smoking and drinking.
I feel blessed that my parents took the time and effort to shape me into
the morally conscious person I am today. Sadly, their approach to how I
would deal with women hindered my happiness for years to come.
I was lead to believe that women were the downfall to every man. They
focused only on the terrible aspects of relationships with girls until I
linked women to be as scary and as deceitful as snakes!
They didn't advise me on how to find a good woman. Instead, they focused
on teaching me how to avoid bad women. And since I never heard anythinggood about the opposite sex, I started to believe that all of them were
poison and could hurt me worse than anything else I could imagine.
As time went on, these beliefs that manifested inside of me, leaving
me confused and very insecure. I knew that I desired the love and affection
of a girl but avoided perusing them out of fear that I would get hurt.
Since our brains are more concerned about avoiding pain than attaining
pleasure, I found myself always sabotaging a love life. This continued for
years until one day I got fed up and decided to get help.
My desperation and depression is exactly what I needed to gain leverage
and actually do something about finding happiness with women. It hurt way
too much to be the guy who didn't know what the love of a woman was like,
and I was hell-bent in discovering how to get it.
When I was 18 years old, I started dating. A major step in my life, but
a step that I had no idea how to climb. After a couple disasters, I formed
new beliefs to supplement "women are all poison."
I lost all confidence and quit trying after failing my first couple times,
and this lasted for about two years. When I was 20 I went to the Internet
in search of seduction techniques to attract and approach women.
This research led me to some really bad tips to seduce women. Because
I knew nothing about the subject, I took everything I read at face value.Information that was given by guys who I'm sure had as much success in relationships
as I did.
Thank God I didn't back down after realizing 99.9% of everything I learned
was complete and utter garbage. I believed that even if I learned just one
good tip from any site I visited, or book I read, I was successful.
I was smart enough to realize that education was key. The more I knew,
the more confident I became. And confidence is the most important tool you
could ever learn for every aspect of your life.
This new confidence made me aware of the manipulative strategies people
used online to sell their products. They made people believe that they were
pathetic and that nobody else had these problems but them!
These companies succeed in fueling a fire that is already blazing within
all men who were like me. And the last thing I needed was for a company
that insisted they "cared" about my success to make me feel even worse.
Over time, I succeeded in weeding out all the bad information and retaining
everything that was useful. This website will serve those people who arelooking to be guided by someone who not only has experienced what they have,
but is genuinely sympathetic to their situation.
I have read and taken over a hundred courses and will share everything
I know to an audience that has been used and misinformed for years. I will
share with you how I managed to get one of the most beautiful women to fall
in love with me (and I do admit, I have also fallen deeply in love with
Believe me, I ask the question "What did I do to make this woman fall
for me?" every time I'm with this girl. The more I think about it, the more
I realize the little things that drive her crazy about me.
I'm going to share everything I learned in this website.
I am also going to share all of my failures and how to avoid the mistakes
I made. You will find that I am not ashamed of failure but grateful forthe lessons it taught me. The more you get to know me the more you'll trust
that I really do know what I'm talking about and have no ulterior motifs.
My goal is to become the first seduction website that cares about its
audience and I am going to do everything in my power to gain that trust.Don't believe me? Go to my contact page and get a hold of me by email and
I'll show you exactly what I'm all about.
My mission has begun, and I look forward to meeting each and every one
of you. I'm really happy to have overcome my most debilitating beliefs andfears and feel blessed to have been given the opportunity to contribute
something in a world that is caught up in taking.
Wishing you all the success in the world,
Jesse Allen