Throughout my various careers, the underlying thread has been communicating with others. I spent time in Theatre, took a degree in Film and spent 20 years in Public Broadcasting, spending time in all areas of the endeavor, depending on the needs of the moment.
I used the Silva Method techniques to be able to handle any challenge and after several years of handling all manner of situations, and working with showing others how to do more, I became a Certified Silva Method Instructor. The Silva Method is the world's premiere Self-Improvement Course. It is taught in over a hundred countries around the world and in over 30 languages, at last count.
I teach the Silva Method in the Tampa Bay Area of Florida, USA. I am certified to teach the BLS (the original Basic Lecture Series), The Silva Life System and Jose Silva's UltraMind ESP seminar.
I am also one of the first group of Certified Silva Success Coaches. By taking this step, the Silva Method moves further into the future of Self Empowerment. I can be reached through the Self Growth community, or through the website: