I'm Jason Rosado - A business coach and professional speaker with more than 20 years of business experience in training, management and business development. I have worked in large corporate and small business B2B and B2C environments. I help entrepreneurs, small business owners, and sales professionals to achieve your ideal business in 12 months or less.
Want to find “Your Pot of Gold”??
My real strength is helping you identify and leverage your unique abilities and interests, while focusing your vision, skills and strategies to reach much more success than you may have ever thought possible.
Areas of focus:
• Sales and marketing
• Entrepreneurial development
• Networking, alliance and joint venture building
• Leadership and management
• Presentation and public speaking
• Leveraging Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Ning, Meetup and other social networking sites
• Creating vision, strategy, motivation and accountability
So... if you want to find “Your Pot of Gold”, I'm here to help you draw the map, overcome the challenges, and grab the gold.
I look forward to connecting. Please let me know how I can assist you anytime.
"5 Simple Ways to Achieve Your Ideal Business in 12 Months or Less!"
Entrepreneurs, small biz owners and sales professionals, discover how to:
• Create and execute your vision and strategy
• Supercharge your networking and sales
• Skyrocket your effectiveness and productivity
• Drive home your motivation and accountability
• Grow your business like never before
Strategy, Skills, Sales, Success.
Jason E. Rosado
Business Coach
Helping entrepreneurs, small biz owners, and sales professionals achieve your ideal business in 12 months or less.
Want to get started? Sign up for your FREE "Business Success E-Series"!
Website: http://www.AchieveYourIdealBusiness.com
Facebook Profile: http://facebook.com/BizCoachJason
Facebook Fan Page - Small Biz Tip of the Day: http://facebook.com/GrowYourBiz