Hi! My name is James Einert, and I am the creatorof the "Grief Recovery That Works!" coaching plan.
In 1995 I started on a quest to learn all I could
about natural health. I studied for almost 3 years and received my
degree as a Naturopathic Doctor from the Clayton School Of Natural
Health. I had practices in Ft. Smith, Conway and Clarksville,
Arkansas over the next 4 or 5 years. I had helped many people using
natural health practices to regain their health, but there were many
who needed more help mentally, some of who where seeing therapist,
but were just unable to get help for their deep seated emotional
troubles. So I sought to find a way to help these people as well. As
a result of that search, I found the techniques I use in the "Grief
Recovery That Works!" coaching plan.
Since about 1999 I have known there was a
wonderful technique for removing the pain of grieving. That was when I first discovered the Emotional Freedom
Technique or EFT for short.
EFT is a way to tap on accupressure/accupuncture
points that will change your emotions. It will disarm your troubling
emotions and set you on a path to true freedom.
I have studied and worked with EFT since that
time, but other obligations in my life kept me from really getting
serious about helping others to benefit from my knowledge. Now
things are different. I have much more time to work on helping you
with my knowledge of EFT and I have also come across another
technique that will make EFT even more powerful.
Neuro-Linguistic Programming is something you may
or may not have heard of, but it is most often thought of as a form
of mind control or persuasion. But the great thing about NLP is that
it has the same powers to affect your emotions as EFT, but it is
somewhat slower and not as good for going deep into the emotions.
But when combined with EFT, NLP makes EFT work much better and
quicker, so instead of having to live with your debilitation grief
for months, maybe even years, you can be over the pain and
depression of grief in just a couple of hours!!! Stop the grieving
and get on with your life!!!
I have just recently taken a course and have become a Certified Hypnotist and I am Certified by the National Guild of Hypnotists, the top Hypnosis Organization in the world. Please check my website for a FREE program and CD programs to help you in your recovery from grief.
Now, I am available for telephone consultations,
and I am working on a set of DVDs and a book that will take you step by step
through this method so you can get an understanding about how it
works and how you can use it on yourself. If you would like to find
out about phone consultations just drop me an email at the following
Also if you have any questions please check our
FAQ page or send an email to
Can Grief Cause Physical Pain?
According to John E. Sarno, M.D. In his book, “The Divided Mind”, your emotions of grief and loss may be the cause of some or all of your physical pain!
The theory behind this is that the mind will reduce oxygen to certain
parts of the body to cause physical pain so as to cover-up or distract
you from the emotional pain, so you don't have to face it.
Consider for a moment if a person were molested as a
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child. In order not to have to deal with the emotional pains, the bodywould “protect” the person by making them have stomach pains.
It can work the same way with the emotions of grief
If after your loss you have started having pains in your body that you,
and maybe even your doctor can't explain, it may be coming from your
According to Dr. Sarno, this is a psychosomatic problem. I don't like
that term as it has been viewed for many years as all being in yourhead. Any pain you are having is definitely not in your head! Even
though your mind is the cause of this pain, the pain is very real.
We know that the mind operates our body. Our heart and other organs,
along with our digestive system, and almost all other functions of ourbody are controlled by the mind. So it is not a stretch to believe the
mind can control the oxygen being delivered to the cells.
Now you may ask what the big deal is with the cells doing without a
little oxygen, according to Dr. C. Samuel West, D.N., N.D., Chemist andLymphologist, anytime the cells lose oxygen, pain is the result. So
lack of oxygen to the cells equals pain.
Dr. Sarno even says that most back and neck pain , headaches, carpal tunnel and Fibromyalgia are caused by emotions.
Of course, not all pain is caused by the mind, so be sure and see your family health care giver to first rule out any real physical problems in the body.
But if your are having pains your health care giver can't explain, or
he or she believes is not life threatening, it would be wise toconsider contacting a therapist that is trained in energy work and emotional freedom techniques
Be sure and visit my website at http://www.griefrecoverthatworks.com for tips and lessons on overcoming your grief emotions and pains that may be associated with them.
Also, keep in mind many more emotional problems can cause the physical
pain in your body. If for any reason you or your doctor can't seem to
get rid of pains you have, or they are “cured” from one place and then
pain pops up somewhere else, please search out a practitioner that can
help deal with your deep seated emotions.
James Einert, N.D., CH
P.O. Box 10
Ozone, Arkansas 72854