If you are reading this, then it is safe to assume that you have a desire to better yourself. Whether it be your body, your health, your performance, or just your overall well-being, you have a goal in mind. Your success in reaching that goal is my passion.
It's a passion that began when I was very young. I started training to augment my performance on the football field. That is when I got bit by the fitness bug. While successfully competing as a football athlete, I followed my passion for sports and physical performance, majoring in Health Fitness at Springfield College. During this time I really became somewhat obsessed with Anatomy and Physiology and achieved a number one ranking for my major within my class. While I received my education through classroom and course work, I also sought an education in the "real world," working with athletes and fitness enthusiasts of all types at major health clubs. Immediately after college, I became a ISSA Certified Fitness Trainer as well as a NSCA Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist. Since then, I have acquired many other specialty certifications including ones in Performance Nutrition, Sports Conditioning, Exercise for Older Adults, and many more.
For over ten years now, I have been helping individuals from all walks of life create measurable results in their physiques and performance. I am now considered a respected authority within the fitness community. I have published numerous articles for magazines and websites, appeared on radio shows, conducted seminars, and am the owner/head trainer of Western Connecticut's premiere fitness service, Cutting Edge Personal Training .
My on-going mission in life is to help individuals achieve a fit and healthy body, perform at their highest levels, and achieve a greater sense of energy and well-being. If you desire any of these things, together we can make it happen!
Log onto my website, www.jimcipriani.com , and see what great precision training is all about.
Jim's Total Body Transformation Series
(FREE 12-Week Online Training Course) -
Imagine waking up 12-weeks from now, looking in the mirror and actually being amazed about what you see! You absolutely do have the ability to be in an entirely different body. From this moment on, you can expect that your mind, body and quality of life will only improve.
Making a commitment to follow the Total Body Transformation Program guarantees the surest path to your ultimate fitness goals. In just 12 weeks, you will begin to see and feel dramatic changes with your body, and not just the obvious physical changes, you will also notice the psychological and physiological changes as well. Expect a decreased body fat percentage, increased lean muscle mass, increased metabolism, increased sense of well-being, an abundance of energy, lower bad and increased good cholesterol levels, decreased risk of heart disease, and the most important change of all… increased self-confidence.
Reaching your fitness goals will take effort and dedication. Throughout your transformation, you can depend on me to work with you every step of the way. You’ll receive expert nutritional and fitness guidance, while being motivated and held accountable to stay focused as you progress through the program. However, it is important to realize that ultimately, only you have the ability to make sure you follow this program to the best of your ability in order to experience maximum results.
This Online Fitness Training and Nutrition Program is filled with the nut and bolts needed to achieve permanent fat loss. You’ll discover dozens of helpful tips, motivational tactics and invaluable information allowing you to make informed decisions about nutrition, exercise and supplementation.
By following this complete, integrated program, along with my support (and possibly the support of your own personal Fitness Professional) and your strong commitment to creating new and lasting habits for a fit and healthy lifestyle…. You can truly Expect Success!
Cutting Edge Fitness Chronicle
Sign up to receive a FREE subscription to my Health and Fitness Newsletter. Each month it’s packed full of motivating stories, tips, techniques and strategies that will reveal highly guarded personal trainer secrets for re-shaping your body fast!
FREE BONUS - Once I receive your completed request form, I will also give you free access to my revealing report: Exposed - The Five Biggest Weight Loss and Fitness Myths AND Revealed - Four Secrets To Finally Achieving The Weight Loss, Health And Fitness Results You Want. Remember, you are under no obligation, this is all free as my way to say “thank you."
Log onto www.jimcipriani.com and grab your copy today!
James Cipriani
Cutting Edge Personal Training
1120 Federal Road
Brookfield, CT 06804