Holly Rigsby , CPT, MAT.
Author of FitYummyMummy.com
Vice President and Director of Fitness Consulting Group’s Weight Management Services for Women, leading expert on developing comprehensive, successful Weight Management Programs and Prograde's Weight Management Instructor and Coach.Author of Fit Yummy Mummy and creator of ClubFYM.
I have played an active role in the fitness industry since 2004.
I graduated from the University of Louisville with a Masters of Arts in Teaching. I was a fourth grade teacher for one school year before becoming pregnant with my son, Tyler. Pregnancy took quite a toll on my body. This was the first time in my life I had to put effort into changing the way I looked. I devoted my spare time to learning about proper nutrition and exercise with the goal of achieving a better version of my pre-baby body. It took a lot of hard work, patience and determination, but I succeeded. At this point in my life, I can say without a doubt, that I have never felt this lean, this healthy and this good about myself, inside and out.
This experience dramatically changed my life. Not only did I discover what it takes to achieve a lean body but I found my passion and a new career path. It is my mission to educate, motivate and inspire women - especially busy moms - to take daily action in order to realize their physical and personal dreams and goals.
Earn Money Selling the Hottest Fat Burning Workout on the Internet
You can earn a great passive income promoting one of the most Mom-Specific Fat Loss Programs Ever. I'll Provide You With All The Online Tools You Need To Succeed & Earn Big Commissions Online.
I have worked closely with Craig Ballantyne - http://www.TurbulenceTraining.com to create and develop a successful online business by modeling Craig's own success. As part of his online super profits mastermind group, I have quickly built my business in a matter of 6 weeks.
We pay out a very generous 75% commission
. Becoming a Fit Yummy Mummy affiliate is free, and all you need to do is sign-up here: http://fityummymummy.com/affiliates.shtml
I have also created a blog that contains TIME SENSITIVE ready-made emails you can send out to your list.
If you have any questions - please feel free to contact me
Attaining your goals requires that you take daily action.
It does not matter how large or small that action is. each and every day you are moving. The actions you take determine whether you are moving closer to your goal or further away.
Discover the Secret Method Busy Moms Are Using to Burn the Lingering “Baby Fat” and Get Their Body Back with Fun, Fast Sessions You Can Do in Your Living Room
Announcing America’s #1 Mom’s Lifestyle Program:
The Fit Yummy Mummy System
My programs are designed for busy Moms with a limited amount of time to exercise. Unlike most fitness magazines that think you can devote 60-90 minutes to exercise each day, I know the demands of being a Mom, and that’s why I created the short burst Fit Yummy Mummy workout system. Along with my proven meal planning startegies and tips, you'll not only doouble your results, but you will also help your family develop good eating habits with a variety of delicious, nourishing foods, family-friendly foods.
Visit www.FitYummyMummy.com
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Open for All women who are looking to make a positive change.
I wish you the best with your Fit Yummy Mummy journey. If you have any questions about fat loss, lingering baby fat, finding more energy, or short burst exercise sessions, feel free to contact me: holly@FitYummmyMummy.com