Antalgic Posture Pain Specialist
WAUNA WA 98395
phone 253-851-4212
Hans Albert Quistorff
Massage Practitioner WA license MA00008159Chiropractic X-ray Tech. CX00000362
SPECIALTY Antalgic PosturalPosition Stress Relief
I am a spring 1995 graduate of Seattle Massage School. Since that time my work has been closely with Dr. Phillip M. Padelford,D.C. of South Hill Chiropractic by referral or as an employee. In the process of working with both the clients and their X-ray profile I have become aware of the skeletal postural positions and muscle hypertonicities resulting from antalgic protection of various injuries. The resulting pattern of body work movement and homework instruction that has resulted I have termed Antalgic Postural Position Stress Relief. In the course of my employment I have also received seminar training and experience in outcome assessment documentation using MSM 5000 or MSM 7000 muscle testing and ROM also generating the reports of this documentation for insurance billing. 13 years of experianceIf I have the skills that you are interested in having on your expert group contact me as above.
Massage therapy specialty by
Hans Albert Quistorff, L.M.P.
People who suffer sprain/strain injuries will assume a postural position when weight bearing to avoid pressure on nerve endings that report pain. But even more commonly antalgic postural position is determined by proprioceptor nerves that determine safe limits to protect the nervous system even though no conscious pain is expressed. The postural position, held for long periods of time outside of normal anatomical posture, distresses muscles, tendon attachments to the bones, ligaments, and joint tissues involved in holding such antalgic posture.
The injured person needs care for, and understanding of, the resulting secondary pain and fatigue.
Gradual deep muscle pressure on spasming muscles combined with direct pressure on origin and or insertion tendons for proprioceptive response. Appropriate active or passive positioning while not weight bearing to achieve a rest position which allows renewal of stressed tissues. Verbal instruction with passive positioning and or movement to teach the proprioceptive position of rest for patient self care. Written instruction/explanation for patient review and explanation to those supporting them in the healing process.see SELF CARE pages links
for examples.
Please limit network requests to human body work and magnet therapy.
If you wish to contact me directly please use my gmail account hquistorff