The future belongs to those who get there first !
I will help you "SEE + MAP + SIMULATE" your future
World-leading Business Futurist + Change Agent
Strategy / Marketing Consultant + Keynote Speaker
Ranked among "Top 100 Futurists" of all time
Coined the phrase: "Thinking Globally, Acting Locally"
Former senior bank executive, pragmatic no-nonsense approach.
What will happen + What you need to do about it.
Uncanny 30-yr Forecasting Track Record
No blue sky — just "eye popping" ideas, "bankable" strategies.
Achieve "break out" goals in share, margins, profit.
For more Bio-Data
See below, plus Profile at LinkedIn
and main website FFeather.com
Contact: Frank.Feather@gmail.com
Remarkable! A cogency and a clarity unsurpassed
by any presentation on the future I've ever heard.
(John Cranor, President & CEO, KFC Intl)
? STRATEGY CONSULTING: Corporate Strategy + Marketing advisory services to global companies such as: AT&T, Disney, Ericsson, Ford, IBM, Marriott, Nissan, Nokia, Shell. Also serve as Acting/Interim CEOfor start-ups, re-inventions, turn-arounds.
? CUSTOMIZED RESEARCH & STRATEGY REPORTS:On any aspect of future trends and their strategic implications.
? DIRECTOR: Available for Board of Directorsand Audit / Compensation Committees. Expertise in Sarbanes-Oxley.
? CHINA BUSINESS CONSULTING:Best business opportunities; Introductions to government officials; Help negotiate ventures.
? FUTURISTIC INVESTING:Advice on futuristic portfolio management, forecast economic trends and stock market cycles, select stocks with best future prospects.
"Every organization must be prepared to abandon everything
it does to survive the future. You can't manage change ... you
can only be ahead of it." ~ Peter Drucker (management guru)
"Every business must be an e-business ... or it will not be in
business." ~ Andrew Grove (chairman emeritus, Intel)
"There is a tide in the affairs of men, which, when taken
at the flood, leads to fortune." ~ William Shakespeare
Full background at main website: http://FFeather.com/