Evelyn comes from a strong business background and a hidden life-long fascination with esoteric knowledge and personal development. These different worlds finally came together for her in 2008...but we're getting ahead of our story.
With a master's degree in Public Administration (MPA), she was selected for the prestigious Presidential Management Internship Program (PMIP) in 1978 and served for four years in various federal agencies in Washington, DC.
Sensing there was far more in store for her, she was accepted into and graduated from one of the top MBA programs in the world: INSEAD (European Institute of Business Administration) in Fontainbleau, France, in 1983.
In 1984 she was invited into the brand new world of cellular telephony where she quickly rose to Vice President of Customer Care at the first nonwireline cellular service company--Cellular One of Washington/Baltimore.
Despite years of subsequent success in the business world, she knew something was missing... a deeper purpose that she longed to find and fulfill.
In her quest to discover her ‘true calling,' in 2008 she stumbled upon the field of Human Design, a tool for self-understanding and awareness that helps people improve their quality of life and relationships, fulfill their authentic purpose for being here, and live the life of their dreams – the life each of us is magnificently ‘designed’ for.
As she was finding and embracing her own Authentic Design, she realized there was nothing in the world she wanted to do more than help others find the peace, clarity, self-awareness, and self-confidence she had found through understanding her unique Human Design.
She created her own company, Human Design for Success, in 2009. Working ‘virtually’ and in person, Evelyn helps her clients and students accelerate their journey of personal growth and success by understanding their inborn energetic structure and their soul's purpose.
These days Evelyn lives a joy-filled life in the Daytona Beach area of Florida with her significant other of many years. She is a teacher, speaker, author, coach, consultant, and Level 4 Certified Human Design Specialist who delights in continuing her studies and finding creative ways to share this profound and insightful knowledge.
To learn more about Evelyn and how Human Design can unlock your own unique blueprint, please visit www.HumanDesignForSuccess.com or connect with her at Evelyn@HumanDesignForSuccess.com .
You can also follow her on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/HumanDesignforSuccess
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/evelyn-levenson/4/754/a14
and Twitter: https://twitter.com/EvelynLevenson
Evelyn is honored to be the SelfGrowth.com Official Guide for Human Design
"Initial" Human Design Reading - One Reading session of 75 minutes by telephone or Skype, recorded and sent to you for repeated listening; and one 30-minute Followup Call; plus bonuses: Human Design 101: A Crash Course in Aligning with Your Authentic Self a 56-page ebook; 1-hour recorded teleclass about your Human Design Type
eBook - Human Design 101: A Crash Course in Aligning with Your Authentic Self - A home-study course for everyone eager to explore and discover their Authentic Self with the help of this practical and concise ebook.
"Human Design facilitates a process that changes your life, and it goes like this:
--Learning about YOUR Human Design leads you to profound self-awareness
--Self-awareness leads you to self-acceptance
--Self-acceptance leads you to self-respect
--Self-respect leads you to SELF-LOVE, self-confidence, self-trust, and profound success in your life and relationships.
True power, influence, and caring come from a foundation of SELF-LOVE... we have nothing to give to others without it. Don't sell yourself short. Begin your journey to authentic SELF-LOVE and SUCCESS today!"
~ Evelyn Levenson
IFyou've never heard of Human Design, I invite you to explore my website HumanDesignforSuccess.com and download the free report: THE #1 SECRET to Making Better Decisions in Your Life, Your Career, and Your Relationships.
There, you'll also find information about Human Design, a free dowloadable audio, and lots of blogs posts to help you learn about yourself and others...including Human Design charts of famous celebrities!
IFyou're eager to learn about YOUR unique Human Design, request your personal Human Design Chart here . You'll also receive my FREE Decision-Maker's Kit.
IFyou have your Chart and you're ready for more, learn about private Readings with me here and check out downloadable courses and programs here .
Human Design for Success
PO Box 290524
Port Orange, FL 32129-0524