Ellen Violette, got on the Internet with no technical background, no business background, and no marketing background and established herself as an expert within one year of becoming the eBook Coach by creating a unique writing process that is turning frustrated writers into successful ebook authors in 72 hours or less.
By the end of her first year she had co-authored an ebook with Internet Guru Jim Edwards called Sell More eBooks Low and No Cost Tactics to Explode Your eBook Sales and Downloads and after just 2 1/2 years she started making a 6-figure income online.
Ellen is not only the creator of the revolutionary writing process, the Quick-Start 3-Day eBook Authoring Workshop, but also eBooks With No Writing, a teleseminar ebook creation workshop and eBook Profit Marketing Secrets: 10 Easy-to-Follow Lessons to Building a Successful Internet Business From the Ground Up.
She's also the creator of The Virtual eBook Expo where she brings together some of the top ebook/internet marketers in the world for a two-week online event! Her guests have included Jim Edwards, Armand Morin, Perry Marshall, David Riklan, Paul Colligan, Lorrie Morgan-Ferraro, Glen Livingston, Alexandria Brown, Jeanette Cates, Stephanie Frank, Jody Colvard, Randy Gilbert, and more!
Ellen Violette is also the author of The eBook Journal For Authoring Success, “The Moving Cure, How To Organize Your Move To Save Time, Money & Your Sanity”, as well as being a co-contributor to the #1 best-selling book Wake Up Live the Life You Love, Finding Freedom.
Ellen’s mission is to give authors, entrepreneurs, independent professionals, speakers and coaches creative and financial control over their lives by giving them all the tools they need to create ebooks and turn them into a profitable information online business through her workshops, audios, ebooks, and ebook services.
Ellen is also a Grammy-nominated songwriter and accomplished copywriter.
She lives in Redondo Beach, California with her husband, and sometime collaborator, Christen Violette a trained Clinical hypnotherapist.
To learn about all our free teleseminars, teletrainings and other ebook programs and services and to get my free pdf: 9 Deadly Mistakes to Avoid For Outrageous eBook Profits.9 free secret ebook tips to making money on line and a complimentary subscription to the eBook Profit Secrets Newsletter (Value $147) go to www.theebookcoach.com
You can create an ebook even you hate to write don't know how to write or have never written. It's not hard. You just need the right information.
Don't wait til everything is perfect or you'll never start!
To Contact Ellen send an email to: info@theebookcoach.com
You can also call the office between 10 a.m. Pacific and 5 p.m. Pacific.
310 316-8286 and someone will get back to you within 24 hours.