It all started when I comitted to a self learning project of reading 1 book a month no matter what.
The reading rules.
1. Only non fiction books count
2. I could not read more than 2 books in a row on the same subject 3. My book list would come from asking people that seemed special to me, what was the most influential book they have read. And from the books mentioned in the books that i was reading.
Needles to say I did go on to finish 12 books that year. The 2nd year I completed 18. The third 24, the 4 year 36 and I have been hovering around 2- 3 books a month ever since.
13 years and over 400 books later I am launched my website to invite others to consider that there is more to things than meets the eye.
Somewhere around the 3 or 4th year, I can't remember the exact moment something wonderful started to happen. I started to see clearly ideas and concepts that were consistent from book to book. It didn't matter if I was reading about how a medicine man views his personal relationship to the rainforest, or the importance of random odder of genetic matter introduced through sex, or the beautiful repeating mathematical expressions called fractals which are found in the visual display of Nature, the concept was there. Everywhere.
This simple insigh thas led me to a life of extreme optimisim, motivation and fullfilment. I hope that by sharing I will help you find the same.