Dr. Mike Cioppa is one of the most sought after business, management & employee coaches in America.
Dr. Mike has delivered over 1,000 seminars to hundreds of companies and tens of thousands of employees over the past 5 years.
He is founder and president of "Employee Success University"... the premier training center in the nation for companies who are looking to see immediate and explosive improvement in their employees' performance.
Through his unique and innovative "Audio Coaching Conferences"companies are finally able to affordably train their entire staff in cutting edge techniques by world-class experts.
"Learn To Do Everything Right At Work"
"A real decision is measured by the fact that you've taken new action. If there's no action, you haven't truly decided".
Dr. Michael G Cioppa, Success Is NOT a Miracle: The Science of Achievement
Please visit: www.EmployeeSuccessUniversity.com to find out more about the most innovative and groud-breaking program to train you ENTIRE staff cost effectively.
Please feel free to contact me any time at: mike@esumail.com