Inspirational author Donna Webster discovered her love of writing and wanting to inspire others while dealing with an illness called Fibromyalgia 16 years ago. Dealing with an invisible illness that no one else could see ignited a spark within her to want to inspire, encourage, and comfort other women who like herself experienced feelings of loneliness and felt misunderstood by family, friends, co-workers, and doctors as well.
She wanted to find a way to help others which led her to create a very special poem called Your Secret Angel. She sent out thousands of Your Secret Angel cards to support groups, hospitals, homeless shelters, hospice patients and anywhere else she saw there was a need for comfort, encouragement, and inspiration.
She also became very involved in educating the public on chronic illness and created and ran a support group for Fibromyalgia and even received a proclamation from the mayor in her city to recognize and bring awareness for Fibromyalgia Day. Her story was also featured in local newspapers, magazines and on a local cable talk show.
Although Donna discovered her gift of writing while facing adversity, it also gave her passion and purpose and from the moment she wrote her poem Your Secret Angel she declared that her purpose in life would be to inspire others with her writing, speaking, and mentoring.
Her poetry and short stories have been featured in newsletters, magazines, and on websites and she had her first short story published in the book Recovering Your Lost Self From Adversity and she most recently had a story featured in the book Living The Law Of Attraction.
She also created an internet radio show Divine Diva Inspiration where she interviewed successful, well known career women and is currently working on her book Divine Diva Inspiration which features interviews with Barbara Taylor Bradford, Carly Phillips, Jodi Picoult, Salle Redfield, Victoria Moran, Linda Salazar, Karen Drucker and 30 other amazing women she has had the pleasure of interviewing.
Her passion is empowering, inspiring, motivating, and building self esteem in women and young girls around the world.
To learn more about Donna please visit her site
You can also connect via and she also has a community page of inspiration there at
She also has a blog Divine Diva Inspiration at
Information On Living The Law Of Attraction Book I had the honor of having a story featured in.
Living the Law of Attraction
Real Stories of People Manifesting Health, Wealth, and Happiness
Foreword by Bob Doyle, from The Secret
You've seen The Secret.
You've heard about it on Oprah.
Maybe you've even read books on the Law of Attraction. But as they say, "The proof is in the pudding!" In this book, you’ll read real-life accounts of success stories from people who are truly Living the Law of Attraction
. How do people put the principles of the Law of Attraction to work for themselves? How do ordinary people manifest extraordinary things in their lives? You will notice that those who have applied this law into their everyday lives are experiencing what used to be considered miracles. What was once miraculous is now commonplace ... everyday miracles
You'll read amazing stories of healing ... how people recovered from life-threatening illnesses and near-death experiences. You’ll be inspired by the courage people have to transform their lives in order to realize their dreams. You’ll applaud the strength of those who have overcome adversity to triumph in life. And in case you didn’t before, you will truly understand how the Law of Attraction is always working for you .
There are many excellent books written by powerful teachers discussing the Law of Attraction. This book, as the title implies, is about the application of the law. It will show you that anyone in any situation, regardless of age, sex, economic background, or past negative experiences can practice it and experience greater levels of happiness, love, and abundance.
"We are all incredibly powerful manifesters ... we just need to apply the principles."
- Rich German
"Nothing inspires a person who is learning about the Law of Attraction more than hearing about how others have found outrageous success using these principles. Sometimes the simple reminder that all of this really does work, is all a person needs to keep going when things don’t seem to be going as planned. This book will uplift, educate, and inspire you to live the dream that you so richly deserve."
Bob Doyle
Teacher featured in The Secret
Author of Wealth Beyond Reason
"What a wonderful gift this book is! You can feel the love of the people who so generously shared their own personal experiences for the benefit of those who read it. Living the Law of Attraction brings people together in a way which will enhance the lives of all who are involved with it."
Marie Diamond
Teacher featured in The Secret
Feng Shui Master and Transformational Speaker and Author
"This powerful book creates a perfect bridge between the teachings of The Secret and the real life application of the principles. These stories prove that if you just trust the process, you can experience amazing results. Plus the introduction alone is a full course meal. If you are committed to having success with the Law of Attraction, then this book is a must read.”
Dr. Joe Vitale
Teacher featured in The Secret
Author of The Attractor Factor
" I believe we all have special skills and talents and it's our job to discover them and share them with the world."
Donna Webster
"We all have the power to change our lives." We're all born with greatness inside."
Donna Webster
"Believe in dreams, believe in you."
Donna Webster
"Listen to your heart, hear the song it sings."
Donna Webster
To learn more about Donna and her projects please visit her site
Follow Donna on Facebook
Follow her page of inspirational messages at
She also has a blog Divine Diva Inspiration at