Don Fiore's passion is sharing EASY Tai Chi and Qigongmovements with people of all ages. He has been teaching since the mid '90's and has produced five DVDs to assist students in their practice. Sample clips of the DVDscan be found on his website:
His newest DVDs include: Easy FAN Tai Chiand Easy Qigong with WEIGHTS. Studies show that using light weights can help increase bone density and upper body strength. The Seniors in his classes love these two forms.
With the stress of real estate affecting his health, Don took some Tai Chi classes to bring balance back into his life. Soon after, a chiropractic office asked Don to share with their clients what he had learned. It was not long before Don was teaching Tai Chi and Qigong at colleges, hospitals, adult communities, fitness center, retreats, Parkinson classes, and business seminars. Thus Don merged on a new career path after he was 50.
Becoming a graduate of the Western School of Feng Shuiwas the next step in Don's desire to understand "energy." After studying Reiki, he became a Reiki Masterand then a Touch for Health practitioner.
Don loves adding humor to the Easy Tai Chi classes for people with Parkinson and senior adult communities. The Muhammad Ali Parkinson Centerencouraged Don to have his latest "Easy Tai Chi - Qigong" DVD translated in Spanish, and Claudia Martinez of that Center is bringing the DVD to the Spanish Parkinson community.
Since traditional Tai Chi forms can be very intimidating and too difficult for most seniors or those with physical challenges, Don has designed and enjoys sharing Tai Chi basic movements - but in a simplier format that is easier to practice. His students say that they can feel "the Chi" tingling in their hands and their mind feels relaxed and more peaceful after doing the Easy Tai Chi.
Do a short practice with one of the DVDs on Don's website: http://youtube/watch?v=PNtWqDxwwMg
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