Don Neviaser is a certified professional Life Coach specializing in helping people connect or reconnect with their True Self. He has a knack for connecting well with others on a variety of levels and deeply enjoys helping others tune into and tap out latent skills, talents and desires and potential. He has also published two motivational / inspirational books of "Life Enhancing Prespectives: and very recently a book of love quotes.
"My standard of success in helping others is very straight forward: I want people to be loyal to themselves and accompish that which is a true and natural representation of who they truly are, deep within. The more I help others enjoy life, the brighter my own light shines."
Click this link to get your FREE copy of the book Mark Victor Hansen from the wildly popular Chicken Soup for the Soul series recommended: “If you want to affectionately caress your higher self and get greater understanding, read this book!
An incredible collection of inspiring thoughts and sensible perspectives that exemplify living a better, more fulfilling, life through self-reliance, personal accountability, positive attitude, action and appreciation for the beauty and brevity of life and love.
The Power of Perspective and the Gift of Gratitude - The quotes and insights in this book will give you a more life-affirming view of yourself, life and others; resulting in more conviction to move beyond restrictive mindsets and discover your unique message and potential so you can live a more fulfilling and enriched life in line with your True Self!
Check out my Facebook page too!
"Attitude is an emotional rudder that can stir the waters for success or failure, but only when powered by the winds of positive thinking can one best navigate the seas of life."
"You cannot dance to the song in your heart without knowing the rhythm that it beats.
"Life presents many opportunities, many blessings in disguise, but without the vision to see them and the strength to bring them to fruition, they pass as usefully as a flower that dies before it has a chance to bloom."
"All the talent and potential in the world is merely untapped, and possibly wasted, potential without motivation, action, passion, commitment and persistence."
"While walking your own path to inner harmony, you can only discover and be true to your inner essence and know true happiness if, instead of performing to appease others, you act and react in life true to the one person whose opinion really matters: You; your True Self."
"The best way to take charge of negative self-perceptions, particularly those steeped in inadequacy, is to walk your unique path in life and climb your own ladder of self-respect made from the rungs of success-based fulfillment; rungs that may be small at first, but which will grow, as you will, one step at a time until you reach, genuinely get to know, befriend, trust and appreciate your True Self. And this will happen not because you want to feel good about yourself, but because you do out of genuine self-respect."
"Every moment of pleasure and pain, of love and hate, is a numbered component of a fluid and limited time frame within which we are allotted a finite number of life experiences. Upon our death they will end as will every opportunity to share our hearts, to resolve conflict and make amends, to cherish life and be happy, and to bring to fruition every aspiration tucked safely away in a file marked 'someday'."
"Those who don't appreciate and enjoy the beauty and brevity of life and love are destined to live and die in emotional poverty; robbed by the passage of time and cheated by a shortsighted heart that never realized its potential."
"The only final destination in life is death; it is the quality of the journey there that defines life. When death draws nigh, it is only through the calibur of your memories and the level of contentment, forgiveness and peace in your heart will you know whether your trip was a success."
"The grass may seem greener on the other side of the fence, but artificial turf usually is."
"If we don't learn to laugh in life, laugh easily at ourselves and with others in kind humor, we deprive ourselves of a key ingredient for how joyfully we perceive life, pursue life, and at the end, look back on life."All the above quotes: Copyright, Donald S. Neviaser, April 2011.
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Whether through being a Certified Life Coach or as an author of inspirational / motivation quote books, I combine both endeavors in a variety of ways to maximize my effectness in helping others appreciate and enjoy life and the unique person they really are.
You will find the answers to who and what I really am, my true thoughts and perspectives on life, love and human nature, by reading my quotes on these subjects and many others. You can do so by either visiting my website:, or looking for books, calendars and other products containing my work on!
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