Dave Pipitone is a professional communicator whose passion is helping people wake up to a new day and value the great treasure they carry inside themselves.
All of life is a marvelous journey of humanity and creation that continue to connect with God and each other. Dave is married for more than 25 years to Cheryl, and father to a bright, happy and miracle girl, Emily Marie.
Dave discovered the secret of living epiphany - each day is a revelation of grace, goodness and love. A full life involves a journey of the heart - for ourselves and others. Each person is priceless. Dave believes that the highest of our sacred duties is to "treasure God, ourselves and others."
To do this well, we need to draw and use a treasuring map, and then use the L.O.V.E. compass to navigate the journey of life. For more background on these concepts, please read Dave's articles and visit his websites.
Dave is the President of Transforming Life Products, the creator of My 3 Strands, My Treasuring Chest, Song of Our Marriage and more websites. He is the author of The Rainbow Chronicles: A Bedtime Story for a New Day .
Dave is always open to making friends and partners to help people live better for God's glory. Peace, love, joy and good will make life better for everyone.
My 3 Strands Dedication Card and Sets
Write the names of your loved ones on these sturdy plastic cards, read the inspiring poems and give thanks for the connection of love, faith and hope you have in that relationship.
On Being a Treasuring Chest
Everyone has the opportunity to treasure others. You can become a "treasuring chest." Often, uninformed people make the mistake that the treasure inside others has to be envied, stolen, covered up or buried. That is emotional piracy.
The opposite is true. There is an abundant treasure in every human being - the actual breath and presence of God. So, when we uncover that treasure in ourselves, it is a joyous and heart-moving epiphany. And when we behold that treasure in others, well, all of our relationships take a turn for the better.
So, become a treasuring chest. Instead of burying your love and kindness, open the treasure chest of your heart to encourage others. Write affirmations, that start with "I Treasure You." For more information, visit www.mytreasuringchest.com
For Husbands, Honor Your Wife
I have been married for more than 25 years to my one-and-only wife, Cheryl. She is a marvelous woman, and my love for her grows stronger and deeper every day. She literally is my best friend. In 1996, I wrote a song for her, The Song of Our Marriage, which has a deep spiritual and love message for her.
I went on to record that song in 1998 and create a website to encourage men to love their wives. According to Dr. John Gottmann, a noted sociologist who has researched marriage relationships, men have a much more difficult time with relationships than women do.
In fact, this lack of heart knowledge influences men to cause the most difficulty in marriages. I know that my attitudes of male domination and lack of love were shaped by the culture around me. It was a great breakthrough, I believe it to be a move of God's grace, to wake up and see my wife's beauty.
I created a website based on The Song of Our Marriage. Recently, my wife and I posted a talk about the Sacrament of Marriage we gave at our parish. Feel very free to visit the site, download the talk and listen to the song. www.songofourmarriage.com
Create Peace Through Understanding, Appreciation and Wonder
There is a Chinese proverb, "One flower does not make a garden." Humanity and creation contain such beauty and diversity, living every day really is a miracle, if we wake up and stay awake. I believe that our responsibility to use the power that is in us and flows through us to create a world of love, joy, justice and peace.
There are uninformed people, who are swayed by tyrants, dictators or those "isms" that deny the treasure and beauty of others and live an unfulfilled life. In his book The Eighth Habit , Stephen Covey writes about the two paths of life that you can take.
You have the choice. You can discover your voice and then help others to discover their own voices, or you can deny your own voice and then start down the dark path to suppress the voices of others that can haunt you. (Sounds like the Star Wars myth, doesn't it?)
In my spiritual parable book, The Rainbow Chronicles: A Bedtime Story for a New Day , I explore these themes through the journey of Wilby, an eleven-year old girl who is sent on a mission by her King to retrieve the lost Rainbow's End from an unfriendly land.
Along the way, she makes friends, discovers the treachery of uniformity, and sparks a conversion of heart that reunites her family, her Kingdom and the entire land. Girls and women have an essential, unparalled leadership role in making humanity one with God. You just have to read this book to appreciate it. Visit the website: www.therainbowchronicles.com
Honoring the Connection with God and Others in All Human Relationships
Did you know that every person grows through a lifeline of three strands in his or her mother's womb that has a spiritual connection throughout life. Every fetus is attached to his or her mother by an umbilical cord in the womb.
An umbilical cord is made up of three blood vessels - two arteries and a vein. The arteries bring blood, oxygen, nutrients to the growing fetus. The vein take waste away.
Through all of the months before birth, those three strands of life grow larger and larger as more life pours through to the growing child. When the baby is born, the umbilical cord is cut and the baby's own body begins to grow and become independent.
But a new, invisible connection of three strands is formed: a lifeline that lasts for a lifetime. You can't see it, but it is there. I believe that it connects God and humanity in every relationship.
Let me explain. I believe that there are three persons in every human relationship: God, you and another person. In my married relationship, my wife, myself and God are united in love. As a parent, my relationship with my daughter is myself, Emily and God. Even when we are physically apart, we are connected by three strands. The three strands of love, faith and hope.
Those three strands are how we grow. They become larger and stronger as we grow throughout life. We love more intentionally. We believe in others to bring out the best in them. We hope and expect a better tomorrow as we live out our lives today.
For every relationship to grow, we depend on an unbreakable lifeline of trust and commitment, strong ropes made of sturdy cords, woven from hiqh quality strands and threads. Love, faith and hope provide that strength and support. To learn more about relationship dedication cards, that use a simple poem to convey these truths, visit www.my3strands.com .
The best way to learn more about me, is to contact me by e-mail, read The Rainbow Chronicles or visit any of my websites. You can reach me at dave_pipitone@wowway.com . I look forward to sharing life with you as a friend and companion on life's journey.
May God bless and keep you,
Dave Pipitone
Write me:
Dave Pipitone
Transforming Life Products
Box 172
Streamwood, IL 60107 USA
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