After 20 years of painting houses for wealthy people that were living THEIR dream lives, I finally got fed up and was hungry to learn and became extremely teachable; as I am still today. I took serious action and earned financial freedom never to have to pick up a paint brush again if I did not want to. Although I had absolutely no internet marketing experience, no website and no list, I created millions of dollars in sales using the power of the internet for various businesses and clients worldwide.
In that process created a dream life for me and my family now living true lifestyle freedom, which makes it possible for me to spend time with my wife and three children aswe travel the world together. I assist people worldwide with understanding how to transform their businesses with the power of the internet. Also have vast experience and knowledge in personal development, lead generation, product creation and online business systems.
Being accountable and having mentors are also a part of my foundation of building successful and profitable businesses. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others so they too can achieve their financial freedom.
If I can do it, I know you can too!
1128 Royal Palm Beach Blvd.
Suite 122Royal Palm Beach, FL 33411