Since the early 80's, I have spent my life speaking and coaching clients all over the world. I have coached well-known clients from the entertainment industry, international business executives and everyday soccer moms. I strive to help each client find the “best within themselves”.
Michelle is known as "The Confidence Lady"
Michelle’s career spans 20 years as a Personal Life/Success coach, and life strategist.
Michelle has coached 1000’s through the years in her own practice, and as an Internationally known Life Strategist, and Personal Life/Success Coach.
Michelle’s creative genius covers the gamut from an advertising and marketing guru to author of 3 books, professional speaker, entrepreneur, and award winning songwriter. She has been a concert, record, and video producer and maintains a high standard of excellence as a nationally recognized performance coach to the music and acting industries
Here is what past clients have said:
"Michelle was encouraging and supportive in coaching me as I struggled with the truths about myself and helped me refocus on the positive steps I needed to take."
"I am grateful for Michelle’s ability to hold my hand. I am honored by her wise ability to let me have a very unique experience with coaching."
"I am writing to express my appreciation for the wonderful coaching experience with Michelle O’Connell. She has assisted me in uncovering the blocks to my greater success. Since I have worked with Michelle I have greater confidence and a clearer picture of my goals."
Michelle Says:
When people ask me to tell them about myself, I simply say "I’m an absolutely perfect me". I am the best me I can be, today. I do not live my life to compete with anyone else. I strive each day to be a better me. I live my life each day with "Outrageous Excellence." We spend too much time comparing ourselves to others. Be the best you...No one is exactly like you...You are a quite literally "A Perfect You".
Who are you really? What kinds of things do you say to yourself? Are you the person you desire to be? It are those kinds of questions that lead me to ask: What is under your umbrella?
Most people walk around in life just being. They get up, do what they have to do, sleep, and then start it all over again the next day. We start on the Ferris Wheel called life, and we just keep going round, and round in a circle. We do not know how to live our dreams, or find the purpose of our life.
The "What is Under Your Umbrella Self-Esteem Workbook Program" takes you on a journey of self exploration.
You will learn to "Connect to your past" so you can see what paradigms were set up in your life. We will explore why you do the things you do, believe the things you believe, and most of all you will learn to let go of your limiting beliefs.
In the workbook "Clarity in the present" you will explore where you are in your life, and where you desire to go. We will explore your habits, and self-defeating behaviors. What new belief systems do we need to create so that you can live the life you have always dreamed. Learn to see and appreciate the real you.... You will learn to implement daily self confidence builders.
How do I stay on track? What is my passion in life? How do I manage my time? In the workbook "Commit to the change" you will learn the secrets of creating powerful affirmations. You will create systems for success in the 7 levels of your life. You will see how by improving your self-esteem, you will create greater balance in your life.
In the final workbook of the series "Commence your vision" you will learn how to implement the life you were meant to live. How to take daily action steps to create "forward motion" every day. Learn how to wake up, and live your passion each and every day. Learn how to live a life of Outrageous Excellence.
Michelle's Speaking Programs
There are speakers, there are comediennes, and there are singers. Rarely do you find all three in the same person, but that's exactly what you'll find in Michelle O'Connell
As a seasoned speaking professional, Michelle O'Connell has spoken to tens of thousands giving her messages of hope, instruction and inspiration.
Michelle’s speaking topics:
Are you living the life of your dreams? Check your Life Level®
What is under your umbrella? Let’s start by looking into the past and explore what is holding us back. What are the old messages that play over and over in our subconscious mind? Why do we continue to repeat negative patterns again and again? How do we apply positive affirmations in changing our behavior, and our daily thought patterns? Have you spent your life wondering, I shoulda, woulda coulda? Learn how to change old paradigms, and create new patterning for your life. Learn how to create and step up your “Life Levels”®
Participants will learn how to:
· Acknowledge the Now
· Release the past programming
· Create the life you were meant to live
· Live a life of Outrageous Excellence
Everyone else deserves love......What about me......?
I often hear people say “I can’t go to the beach and put on a body is so ugly” or “ I could never be as good of a Dad as he is.” Why do we compare ourselves to the best of what we see and then tell ourselves we are not good enough? We constantly hold ourselves back from living our best lives. We need to learn “How to love ourselves.” We need to stop putting our lives on hold. Stop fearing what others say about us.....Stop caring what others think. Start living and loving every moment of your life
.Participants will learn how to:
· Accept yourself for where you are right now
· Love yourself into who you want to become
· Get out of your box and live!!!!
· No one is just like you...celebrate your originality
· Enjoy every moment of your life....
alone are holding yourself back from living the life of your dreams!
Most people walk around dreaming of their ideal life. Just hoping that one day it will all magically change and poof!!!!!!!!!! My dream life is here. We are our greatest deterrent to the life we desire to live. Why? We need a belief in ourselves, the belief that we are capable, good enough, smart enough. Ever since I can remember, I did not let the words of others affect what I wanted to do, or desired to be. I remember years ago a boyfriend said to me “You will never be more than a $40,000 a year person, tops”. “I, however, will makes millions!” I thought, oh yeah! I realized he was just trying to build his own self esteem by trying to quell mine. In his opinion, “I was not good enough”. I can remember teachers, coaches, parents who said “You are not thin enough to be a dancer.” “ You’re not pretty enough to have the lead in the play.” “You are not smart enough to be in this class.” I always had the same reaction...Says who? YOU!!! We can only compete with ourselves…we are unique…We should never be demeaned by someone else’s opinion.
Participants will learn how to:
· Find your dreams and passions
· Compete against their own meter
· Clean up the past...and let it go
· Find their talents and unique abilities
· Have increased self confidence and Self esteem!
Customized for Specific Groups
Not Good Enough For Women
Women often suffer from guilt, low self esteem, and often walk around thinking they are less than perfect because they are not SUPERMOM, SUPERWIFE, SUPERDAUGHTER, SUPERWORKER, etc. Not Good Enough for Women will focus on women specific issues that affect the self-esteem and self- confidence of women.
Not Good Enough for Men
Provider, Father, Worker. In the past 30 years, the male role has changed significantly. Most men wonder “What is my role”? Caught between several schools of thought as to what his role is, most men get caught in not feeling good enough, by not defining what their specific roles are in society. Pressure to keep up with the Jones…to be the best golfer at the club, to balance parenthood and work. Not Good Enough for Men will help define roles and focus on finding success in all the various roles each man plays.
Not Good Enough for Teens
One of the most confusing times of our lives is our teenage years. It is during these years that we are defining who we are, and what we will do, and how we will make decisions that affect the rest of our lives…..Teens often fall prey to not feeling good enough because they listen to their peers.Teens feel pressure by society to fit into molds created by celebrities, or supermodel fashions. Teens will discover how to find what they really want. They will learn not to compete with anyone. Teens will learn that this is the time of their lives to shine, and how to set their future in motion.
Expect and accept only excellence in your life
Why do we accept mediocrity in our lives? Why do we accept less than we deserve? Why do we settle for part of a life? We all have levels of comfort. If given a billion dollars, some would still buy a simple house, some would buy a house worth a million dollars, and some would buy an island. We all have levels. I am just saying....”live on your level”. Once, while we were travelling, I had a friend that decided she needed new white sports socks...nothing fancy...just a pair of no-name white sport socks. I suggested going to a popular inexpensive retailer for the socks. She was shocked at my ignorant suggestion. We then had to go to a very famous upscale department store at the mall for her white socks. I personally do not need designer socks that are that expensive...she did. Live at your level, and accept nothing less. Most people live on levels less than they desire. Most people except mediocrity in their lives on many levels. Let’s do a level check and see where we are, and where we want to be. What is excellence in your life? What is the level of outrageous excellence in your life?
Participants will learn how to:
· Find the various levels of your life
· Learn how to achieve higher levels
· Let go of mediocrity
· Live a life of Outrageous Excellence
Celebrate the uniqueness of you
We each have a uniqueness...we need to celebrate our diversity instead of trying to fit the same mold. "Each women is like an instrument in the symphony of life...each has a different sound, a different shape, a different purpose, but together we can make beautiful music...we can create great masterpieces together."
The perfect 10 is a humorous, yet very inspirational program geared towards women age 12 and above. One minute you will be laughing in hysterics, and the next, you will be crying tears as Michelle O'Connell takes you on a journey through self-esteem, self-expression and celebration of the woman you are, and rejoice in the woman you are becoming.